Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Texting and Driving

Driving a Thin Line I’d be lying if I said I never text while driving. But I recognize the dangers, and try to do it as little as possible. However, there are still incidents that occur. One day, I was driving down Highway 6, passing Walmart, and received a text from my brother asking what time baseball practice was. I went to reply and took my focus off my driving. This immediately endangered myself, anyone else in the car, and everyone in the cars around me. While texting, I have no ability to respond to events as they occur around me on the road. Even if I may be able to text while driving and maintain control and not crash, if someone around was to do something dumb, my ability to react safely to that is severely diminished. For example, the other day I was driving home on Williams Trace, my radio blaring 94. 5 The Buzz, Erik in the passenger seat, when someone swerved to avoid debris on the road. I was able to react to this, and get out of the way, because I was focused solely on the road, with no distractions. Driving is always dangerous, because even if I drive perfectly, I could still get in a wreck because of the actions of others, over which I have no control. And by texting while driving the chances of this are greatly increased. That also assumes that when texting, I am also able to retain 100% of my normal driving faculties. This is completely false though. Even if I am able to text without looking at my phone, my mind is still distracted from an activity that requires my full attention. And if I do take my eyes off the road to text, I might as well be driving blind. My ability to conduct myself safely is almost completely gone at that point. There have been times when I’ve been looking at my phone texting, then looked up to find myself rapidly approaching stopped cars, and had to slam on the brakes. Every time so far I’ve been lucky, but that can only last so long. Eventually I won’t look up in time, and will slam into the back of those cars. Every time I pick up my phone, I’m putting lives on the line. Who knows who’ll be in that car I hit? It could be full of little kids on their way home from soccer practice, and I just potentially hit them. Texting while driving goes beyond just endangering myself on the road. Every time I pick up that phone, I’m potentially harming all of my passengers, plus all the cars around me. A lot of the time when I drive, my brother is in the passenger seat. So when I drive with him, its my responsibility to keep him safe. It goes beyond just making a stupid decision that affects myself, I’m making a stupid decision that affects my little brother. I’m putting his life on the line through my own foolishness and selfishness. The same holds true for anyone on the road with me. That grandmother driving to the store to pick up some groceries, or the little kid riding along with their parents to get some lunch, I’m personally putting their lives on the line when I text and drive. There is rarely any legitimate reason to text and drive. The vast majority of the texts I receive and send are not life or death situations that require my immediate attention, but when I answer that text, I put myself in a life or death situation. I’m also failing in the responsibility that I and every other person takes up when they get behind the wheel, to drive to the best of my abilities in order to keep myself and those around me safe. It would hurt nothing if I was to simply ignore my phone for the duration of the trip, then answer any messages I’ve received. So by texting while driving, I’m putting at risk the lives of all around me, plus my own, all so that can have conversation that could wait. Texting and Driving It has commercials, ads, and billboards all over the united States promoting not to text and drive â€Å"it can wait†, because it is very dangerous; not only for their life but others as well. This somewhat graphic commercial asserts that an ordinary person can take their eyes off the road and in an instance destroy his/her live or the lives of others, and does this effectively through graphic images, common text message subject matter, and a negative theme. The use of graphic Images are very apparent In this commercial. This commercial appeals to their sense of compassion by having a very shocking end result.In the rhetorical appeal they are using ethos because they are showing what could actually happen. They choose to use very graphic real images, so people may actually listen and see what can happen that fast. The somewhat disturbing result helps people to see the real case scenario in hopes that maybe they can get the message across. It has a very emotional mood because n o one wants to crash and possibly die from that mistake. This commercial Is very appealing because it works to show Just how quick things can happen.The first time someone sees this particular commercial AT&T can remember make a vow to never ext and drive again. It shows that the text messages are coming through and the girl is reading and testing back then the crash happened. The rescue people knew she was testing and driving because they found her phone and text messages were still coming through and she crashed not long after she sent the text. It Is one thing to hear what â€Å"can† happen, but to actually see a real Life scenario on the TV screen did something to the viewers, and they believe this happens to too many when they see it.The commercial appeals to teenagers by showing a common theme in their conversations. The girl is testing her friend about a boy. She keeps looking down at her phone and back up at the road. The testing then suddenly becomes more Interesting to her, and she Is more wrapped up in the phone than she is the road. Then she does not make It to where she Is going because that text was more knows she is about to crash, but it is then too late to do anything about it. Waiting to check a phone can help save people from getting hurt or killed.Taking eyes off of the road for five seconds equals driving the length of a football field without looking at the road. Testing and driving is as bad as drinking and driving. Most people who are exiting and driving spend more time in the other lane than their own. The ad is not only for teenagers but it is for everyone. Parents are Just as bad as teenagers about testing and driving. Phones show be turned off while the vehicle is in motion and not back on till the vehicle stops. Negative themes are quite uncommon for commercials.Commercials usually try to promote the ads. In a rhetorical appeals, they use pathos because they are showing the emotional content. In this instance, it is very eff ective to teenagers. The commercial makes them actually believe that this could happen to them. AT&T wants to use the worst possible scenario to make sure teenagers see the consequences that could come of their actions. Nobody wants to lose a love one because of this mistake, so that is why the commercial is promoting to not text and drive.Negative images are more realistic and make people actually see what can happen very quickly. Making the mistake to text while driving is not only putting one person's life in danger but everyone who they meet on the road. When meeting a car on the same side of the road is never a good feeling and then seeing them on their phone. AT has decided against preaching the same boring message we may hear room our parents â€Å"stay off of that phone! † They have chosen a much more effective way to get the message across by using a drastic and emotional theme.As people can see, AT effectively uses a common text message conversation, a negative them e, and graphic images to get a very powerful message across. Since AT is so popular, people think it can potentially save more lives. It pulls at the viewer's heart strings and shows Just how easily something like this can happen if they do not pay attention to the road. AT&T is trying to get the message out that the text messages can wait. There is nothing more important to do or say while driving. Texting and Driving It has commercials, ads, and billboards all over the united States promoting not to text and drive â€Å"it can wait†, because it is very dangerous; not only for their life but others as well. This somewhat graphic commercial asserts that an ordinary person can take their eyes off the road and in an instance destroy his/her live or the lives of others, and does this effectively through graphic images, common text message subject matter, and a negative theme. The use of graphic Images are very apparent In this commercial. This commercial appeals to their sense of compassion by having a very shocking end result.In the rhetorical appeal they are using ethos because they are showing what could actually happen. They choose to use very graphic real images, so people may actually listen and see what can happen that fast. The somewhat disturbing result helps people to see the real case scenario in hopes that maybe they can get the message across. It has a very emotional mood because n o one wants to crash and possibly die from that mistake. This commercial Is very appealing because it works to show Just how quick things can happen.The first time someone sees this particular commercial AT&T can remember make a vow to never ext and drive again. It shows that the text messages are coming through and the girl is reading and testing back then the crash happened. The rescue people knew she was testing and driving because they found her phone and text messages were still coming through and she crashed not long after she sent the text. It Is one thing to hear what â€Å"can† happen, but to actually see a real Life scenario on the TV screen did something to the viewers, and they believe this happens to too many when they see it.The commercial appeals to teenagers by showing a common theme in their conversations. The girl is testing her friend about a boy. She keeps looking down at her phone and back up at the road. The testing then suddenly becomes more Interesting to her, and she Is more wrapped up in the phone than she is the road. Then she does not make It to where she Is going because that text was more knows she is about to crash, but it is then too late to do anything about it. Waiting to check a phone can help save people from getting hurt or killed.Taking eyes off of the road for five seconds equals driving the length of a football field without looking at the road. Testing and driving is as bad as drinking and driving. Most people who are exiting and driving spend more time in the other lane than their own. The ad is not only for teenagers but it is for everyone. Parents are Just as bad as teenagers about testing and driving. Phones show be turned off while the vehicle is in motion and not back on till the vehicle stops. Negative themes are quite uncommon for commercials.Commercials usually try to promote the ads. In a rhetorical appeals, they use pathos because they are showing the emotional content. In this instance, it is very eff ective to teenagers. The commercial makes them actually believe that this could happen to them. AT&T wants to use the worst possible scenario to make sure teenagers see the consequences that could come of their actions. Nobody wants to lose a love one because of this mistake, so that is why the commercial is promoting to not text and drive.Negative images are more realistic and make people actually see what can happen very quickly. Making the mistake to text while driving is not only putting one person's life in danger but everyone who they meet on the road. When meeting a car on the same side of the road is never a good feeling and then seeing them on their phone. AT has decided against preaching the same boring message we may hear room our parents â€Å"stay off of that phone! † They have chosen a much more effective way to get the message across by using a drastic and emotional theme.As people can see, AT effectively uses a common text message conversation, a negative them e, and graphic images to get a very powerful message across. Since AT is so popular, people think it can potentially save more lives. It pulls at the viewer's heart strings and shows Just how easily something like this can happen if they do not pay attention to the road. AT&T is trying to get the message out that the text messages can wait. There is nothing more important to do or say while driving. Texting and Driving It has commercials, ads, and billboards all over the united States promoting not to text and drive â€Å"it can wait†, because it is very dangerous; not only for their life but others as well. This somewhat graphic commercial asserts that an ordinary person can take their eyes off the road and in an instance destroy his/her live or the lives of others, and does this effectively through graphic images, common text message subject matter, and a negative theme. The use of graphic Images are very apparent In this commercial. This commercial appeals to their sense of compassion by having a very shocking end result.In the rhetorical appeal they are using ethos because they are showing what could actually happen. They choose to use very graphic real images, so people may actually listen and see what can happen that fast. The somewhat disturbing result helps people to see the real case scenario in hopes that maybe they can get the message across. It has a very emotional mood because n o one wants to crash and possibly die from that mistake. This commercial Is very appealing because it works to show Just how quick things can happen.The first time someone sees this particular commercial AT&T can remember make a vow to never ext and drive again. It shows that the text messages are coming through and the girl is reading and testing back then the crash happened. The rescue people knew she was testing and driving because they found her phone and text messages were still coming through and she crashed not long after she sent the text. It Is one thing to hear what â€Å"can† happen, but to actually see a real Life scenario on the TV screen did something to the viewers, and they believe this happens to too many when they see it.The commercial appeals to teenagers by showing a common theme in their conversations. The girl is testing her friend about a boy. She keeps looking down at her phone and back up at the road. The testing then suddenly becomes more Interesting to her, and she Is more wrapped up in the phone than she is the road. Then she does not make It to where she Is going because that text was more knows she is about to crash, but it is then too late to do anything about it. Waiting to check a phone can help save people from getting hurt or killed.Taking eyes off of the road for five seconds equals driving the length of a football field without looking at the road. Testing and driving is as bad as drinking and driving. Most people who are exiting and driving spend more time in the other lane than their own. The ad is not only for teenagers but it is for everyone. Parents are Just as bad as teenagers about testing and driving. Phones show be turned off while the vehicle is in motion and not back on till the vehicle stops. Negative themes are quite uncommon for commercials.Commercials usually try to promote the ads. In a rhetorical appeals, they use pathos because they are showing the emotional content. In this instance, it is very eff ective to teenagers. The commercial makes them actually believe that this could happen to them. AT&T wants to use the worst possible scenario to make sure teenagers see the consequences that could come of their actions. Nobody wants to lose a love one because of this mistake, so that is why the commercial is promoting to not text and drive.Negative images are more realistic and make people actually see what can happen very quickly. Making the mistake to text while driving is not only putting one person's life in danger but everyone who they meet on the road. When meeting a car on the same side of the road is never a good feeling and then seeing them on their phone. AT has decided against preaching the same boring message we may hear room our parents â€Å"stay off of that phone! † They have chosen a much more effective way to get the message across by using a drastic and emotional theme.As people can see, AT effectively uses a common text message conversation, a negative them e, and graphic images to get a very powerful message across. Since AT is so popular, people think it can potentially save more lives. It pulls at the viewer's heart strings and shows Just how easily something like this can happen if they do not pay attention to the road. AT&T is trying to get the message out that the text messages can wait. There is nothing more important to do or say while driving.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Letter To Myself

What about family? Hope you're all well and you have a handsome husband – military officer, caring about you and your children. And you have two kids: a son – footballer and a daughter – ballerina. If not, do not worry! Whole life Is ahead, because you Just have got your dream Job and going to get a second degree. And have you learned the most beautiful language In the world? For so many years It Is quite possible . And If you still have not vaulted France, I'll be very disappointed!It's our dreams what about other places? Rome or Madrid? New Zealand? If not, run and pack your suitcases' If you've got all these things done, then you can be proud of yourself! Now, put before yourself other goals, dream a lot and strive to it! And most importantly, never lose hope! All in all, you only live once, and you should try to experience everything in life: to try to achieve something, to conquer the top, test yourself, your character, strength of will and spirit.I believe that you've done it, or to no end, you'll do it! Hope you have a great future. I love you z)) Take care, From the Real You.. Takes a lot of time and efforts. That's why it is very important to have a good teacher. I am very grateful to my English teacher – Easel Montanan, who was also our curator on the first course. The door opened and pleasant woman with kind smile entered the classroom. She greeted the students and introduced herself to us. It was the first time when we met her.We were studying on the first course when our first acquaintance with Easel Montanan happened. I remember my first impression of meeting with her. When our teacher looked around us silently, with smile on her face, I had a feeling that she could penetrate the soul of every student. Easel Montanan is a competent and professional teacher. She has a good command of the English language. From lesson to lesson we have improved our knowledge, have earn more and more new words, grammar structures and put t hem into practice of speaking.She patiently corrected our mistakes and explained us everything, what we could not understand. Our lessons sometimes were full of fun. She always looked perfectly, and we never saw her face being angry or unfriendly. She helped us to develop our intellect, our attitudes to life and to other people. I thank her for that. No matter how many teachers we had through our life, we will always remember them and all the good things which they made for us. We were lucky to have such a nice teacher as Easel Montanan. Thank her very much.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Broad Classification Of Work Motivational Theories Commerce Essay

Broad Classification Of Work Motivational Theories Commerce Essay The work motivation theories can be broadly classified as content theories and process theories. The content theories are concerned with identifying the needs that people have and how needs are prioritized. They are concerned with types of incentives that drive people to attain need fulfillment. The Maslow hierarchy theory, Fredrick Herzberg’s two factor theory and Alderfer’s ERG needs theory fall in this category. Although such a content approach has logic, is easy to understand, and can be readily translated in practice, the research evidence points out limitations. There is very little research support for these models’ theoretical basic and predictability. The trade off for simplicity sacrifices true understanding of the complexity of work motivation. On the positive side, however, the content models have given emphasis to important content factors that were largely ignored by human relationists. In addition the Alderfer’s ERG needs theory allows more flexibility and Herzberg’s two-factor theory is useful as an explanation for job satisfaction and as a point of departure for job design. The process theories are concerned with the cognitive antecedents that go into motivation and with the way they are related to one another. The theories given by Vroom, Porter and Lawler, equity theory and attribution theory fall in this category. These theories provide a much sounder explanation of work motivations. The expectancy model of Vroom and the extensions and the refinements provided by Porter and Lawler help explain the important cognitive variables and how they relate to one another in the process of work motivation. The Porter Lawler model also gives specific attention to the important relationship between performance and satisfaction. A growing research literature is somewhat supportive of these expectancy models, but conceptual and methodological problems remain. Unlike the content models, these expectancy models are relativ ely complex and difficult to translate into actual practice. They have also failed to meet the goals of prediction and control Motivation Theory 1 – Adam’s Equity Theory of Work Motivation The theory explains that a major input into job performance and satisfaction is the degree of equity or inequity that people perceive in work situations. Adam depicts a specific process of how this motivation occurs. Inequality occurs when a person perceives that the ratio of his or her outcomes to inputs and the ratio of a relevant other’s outcomes to inputs are unequal. Our Outcomes Other’s Outcomes = Inequity (over-rewarded) Our Inputs Other’s Inputs Both the inputs and the outputs of the person and the other are based upon the person’s perceptions, which are affected by age, sex, education, social status, organizational position, qualifications, and how hard the person works, etc. Outcomes consist primarily of rewards such as pay, status, promotion, a nd intrinsic interest in the job. Equity sensitivity is the ratio based upon the person’s perception of what the person is giving (inputs) and receiving (outcomes) versus the ratio of what the relevant is giving and receiving. This cognition may or may not be the same as someone else’s observation of the ratios or the same as the actual situation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 41

Case study - Essay Example HP had am merger with Compaq in 2002 and other companies that enabled it to register combined revenue of $ 118 billion in 2008 (Malone 23). In 1935, the two owners graduated from Stanford University with degrees in Electrical engineering. This company started up in a garage near Palo Alto, with an initial capital amounting to $ 538. However, it took some time for the company to go public until November 6, 1957. In the early years, the company had not focused into the production of only a single type of product. It diversified on different produce such as different electronic equipment and even did some agriculture. It was until 1990s that the company specialized in the production of voltmeters, signal generators, oscilloscope, and thermometers among others. As years went by, HP participated in the introduction of a lot of new software in the market. In 1984, HP produced an inkjet and laser printers to use in conjunction with the desktops in the market. Until today, HP remains the leading innovators in the software world (Malone 19). The HP Company runs in a unique way, and the style now called the HP way. This involves key ideologies that the co-founders of the company ensured prevailed amongst their employees. These key ideologies include; respect for all individuals, focus on high goals to achieve, always conduct business with high integrity, achieve all the common objectives with the help of teamwork, and are always flexible and innovative in their work (Malone 64). The Government allows the company to operate as a technology producer company. It gives the company mandate to produce software in a standard manner while being under the normal regulations agreed upon by both parties (Malone 9). The HP Company enjoys profits from the manufacture of modern equipment as mentioned earlier. These modern technologies are for different usage for different people. The company makes gaming gadgets, TVs, laptops and

Ancient history compare and contrast two empires Essay

Ancient history compare and contrast two empires - Essay Example But the contributions of the Mongol empire cannot be underestimated. The empire under Khans flourished well and the popularity and fame of the empire spread far and wide across the empires of the world. The famous traveller, Marco Polo had commented the Mongol empire as prosperous and peaceful. The kingdom was united under the rulers and the military power of the kingdom was immense. The essay tries to compare the contributions of the Roman and Mongol Empire in terms of politics, trade, religion, and social history. Features of Roman Empire: The Roman Empire was considered to be the biggest ancient empire of the world that ruled probably the major parts of the world. The Great Roman Empire had both western and eastern kingdoms. The Western empire came to an end in and around 450 A.D., whereas the Eastern Empire lasted up to the year 1453, when Constantinople, the capital of Eastern Empire, fell in the hands of the Turks. The Roman Empire spread to all sides of the world. The war like nature of the Roman people made Rome a powerful Empire over other nations. They conquered almost all countries to four sides of the nation. The Roman rule in those areas made a permanent landmark of the rule in terms of Roman building and sculptures. In considering the religion of the Roman Empire one can see the slow pace of the Empire from paganism to Christianity. The Romans, just like the Greek had their own gods and there had many temples for the gods in the Empire. Valerie M. Warrior clearly observes; â€Å"The Romans worshiped a wide range of gods† (Warrior 9). The entire Empire had beliefs in the mythic Roman religion. The wars like gods represent the war like nature of the people. At first the Roman rulers were against Christianity and many of them had persecuted the Christians. It was Constantine in A.D. 312 declared Christianity as the official religion of Rome. There after the spread of Christianity was amazing in the kingdom. So the Romans had different religiou s faiths. The politics of the Roman Empire was strong in the beginning and it is the cause for its fall too. Peter V. Jones and Keith C. Sidwel mention that; â€Å"Roman generals in the field regularly resorted to acts of looting, reprisal, massacres, mass deportations, and enslavements† (Jones & Sidwell 25). Rome was ruled by great statesmen like Julius and Octavius Caesars. Democracy was flourished in Rome. The Senate had a predominant role over the rule of the different statesmen. In respect to the trade of the Empire one can find that Rome was a dominant nation of the time. It had trade with many of the Eastern countries. The Romans had a flourishing trade with African countries. When it conquered Egypt there opened a way for trade and commerce with the countries near Egypt. The same is with the nations in Turkey and the Eastern countries. Features of Mongol empire: Apart from the history of the great Roman Empire the Mongol empire was short lived. It lasted for only 200 years. The founder of the Mongol empire, Genghis Khan made it much popular. His grandson named as Kubilai Khan made this popularity far and wide. â€Å"Mongols could build a vast world empire faster than any people before or after them. It is Mongols who united Eurasia in a truly international trading system and encouraged new forms of communication. The Mongols showed the value of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Referee report for paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Referee report for paper - Essay Example Each group occupied different geographical locations in the country. Autocratic form of government did not change even under president Jomo Kenyatta, but transitions came after the second president, who turned it into democratic government. However, during the autocratic form of government, ethnic favouritism was highly practice by political leader. This is supported by the data on road building, found across various districts in Kenya during the period of 1963 to 2011. The data indicates that across the 1963-2011 periods, the co ethic districts with the president received more roads expenditure as compared to non co-ethnic group. However, the new democratic government changed these kinds of biases and brought a lot of changes in the country that led to economic growth (Schwartzberg, 1987). This paper has clearly revealed the importance of democracy in Kenya, a country which is vulnerable to ethnic favouritism. It has defined the term ethnic favouritism and examined the effects it ha s on the country’s economy. According to the paper, ethnic favouritism has being used in most developing countries by political leaders. However, the way this paper has examined the efforts of reintroducing democracy in order to tackle ethnic favouritism, is quite interesting. It has also provided evidence to illustrate how ethnic favouritism is practiced in developing countries. ... For instance, according to ethnic data it is reported that Kikuyu consist of 18.8%, Luhya 12.7%, Kalenjin 10.8%, and Luo 13.4% (Anderson, 1999). During the pre colonial period, these ethnic groups did not exist because the authority at the time was personal and local. However, after independence new rules and leaders emerged and led to development of provincial administration. This administration divided the country into provinces, districts, divisions, sub locations, and locations. Ethnic homogenous districts, therefore, emerged in the course of the country’s evolution, leading to segregation and geographical targeting by various races to form ethnic groups. 2. Ethnic favouritism as a political strategy The paper reveals ethnic favouritism as the main strategy used by political leaders in many developing countries. Political leaders may use ethnic favouritism with the fear that without proper tactics in political games, they may lose their positions to other competing politic ians. They, therefore, believe that practicing ethnic favouritism increases strongholds that propel them to higher positions in the government (Anderson, 1999). However, since ethnic favouritism is a political game, I would expect the author to elaborate more on the issue. For instance, explaining how politician utilizes ethnic favouritism in weakening their political opponent through silencing their ethnic groups. This can be done through weakening or shutting down the electoral institutions. If a political leader practices ethnic favouritism then he or she is unaccountable and unrepresentative to his or her own people. This is because there are a few people who are favoured while others are being taxed, yet these leaders manage to remain in power for decades. It is possible for a president

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Modern Generation - Who are They Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Modern Generation - Who are They - Essay Example The novel unveils that the decline of traditional culture has encouraged a narcissistic individualism which places the self at the centre of our concerns. Increasing cultural diversity has led to a general relativism, not just in matters of taste or morals but even in matters of fact. This novel so popular because it no longer expect there to be one single authoritative truth; instead there is what works for you and what works for me. The main character of the novel, Winter Santiago, is a prototype of a modern girl struggling for independence and personal identity. She describes: "Every teenage girl wants to cut loose and get close to the fire, but I was like a pot of boiling milk with the lid on" (Sister Souljah, 2000, p. 5). Success for Winter Santiago means fight in whatever direction. To the attainment of any end worth living for, a symmetrical sacrifice of her nature is compulsory upon her. But adult life persuades her to change her mind, and the novel records the changes of her wild nature caused by the death of her mother and imprisonment of her father. Typical for modern youth, the self of Winter and self-identity of her family is constructed in relation to the other, i.e. significant outsider, who thereby defines the self. Though the author attempts to incorporate the totality of being and hence the other. She describes: "Everybody understood that our family had the neighborhood locked down, it wasn't worth the trouble" (Sister Souljah, 2000, p. 6). Racial difference is irreducible, and it reveals the ambivalence and hybrid nature of modernity in every character: Ricky Santiaga, Porsche, Mercedes and Lexus, Midnight and Lauren. This novel can be seen as a kind of awakening of the main character, Winter, faced with harsh realities of life. These developments have put into question traditional assumptions about the unity and supposed homogeneity of a person. On the other hand, Winter Santiago becomes a symbol of imagination continually struggling and contrasted with crude reality. Her changing views and self-identity help to repres ents the eternal warfare between virtue and sin, good and evil. This book appeals so much to young adults, because it creates the eternal inconsistency between the aspirations and the occupations of a human being and his dreams. Most characters of the novel (including Mercedes and Lexus) have approved loosing hopes not on the ground that they made people go on crazy movements, but because they were idealistically poor. The contrast between rich and poor, morality and guilt is on the one hand idealism, but on the other hand realities of modern culture. Construction of the novel divided into different frames appeals to readers and their perception of the book. The plot is based on polar opposites who often aspired to realize the ideal of reality: poor vs rich people. This novel unveils how a life can treat a person, Ricky Santiaga and Winter Santiaga, when they make the wrong steps. In their doctrine, human beings have an instinct or a drive toward what is real which is impeded by the barriers of nature and custom. This novel appeals to young adults and graduate students through its simplicity. Colloquialisms and slang words appeal to emotions of readers reflecting modern culture and language. The psychological impact of sin is heated by morals and traditions existing in modern society and preached by members of our society. The physiological value is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Function of Ethics and Financial Services Essay

The Function of Ethics and Financial Services - Essay Example The company was involved in a fraud scheme whereby Gottlieb and Drabinsky received $7, 000, 000 directly or through the company owned by Gottlieb. $ 4, 000, 000 of the total amount was capitalized as the pre-production costs. Gottlieb and Drabinsky operated a kickback scheme with Livent vendors and took the mentioned amount from the company and took into their own pocket. To fully convince the company of the transaction, Gottlieb instructed the two vendors to present an invoice that could not expose their deal. Gottlieb and Drabinsky received the payment for bogus services. In the mid-1990s, it became difficult for the company to attain its financial goals. Gottlieb and Drabinsky enjoyed their financial gain, and in turn, the company had to bear the loss. It became difficult for the company to raise additional capital to sustain its operation. Gottlieb and Drabinsky manipulated the company by directing Livent’s accounting staff to obscure the company’s financial crisis. Some of the manipulations included erasing the accounting records that recorded the liabilities and expenses of the company at the end of each year. The Livent’s accounting staff engaged into an accounting scam of transferring the preproduction costs of existing show to shows that were in production. This transfer manipulated the company to comprehend the cost of the major items used in production. To reduce the costs of preproduction, Livent’s accounting team transferred the costs to fixed asset accounts.... The Livent’s accounting staff engaged into an accounting scam of transferring the preproduction costs of existing show to shows that was in production. This transfer manipulated the company to comprehend the cost of the major items used in production. To reduce the costs of preproduction, Livent’s accounting team transferred the costs to fixed asset accounts. Eventually, the company started debiting salary expenses and operating expenses to long-term fixed assets accounts. Livent transferred the cost of the shows that were currently running to shows that never existed (Knapp & Knapp n.d, p10). In 1996, Gottlieb and Drabinsky conducted a scheme referred as the fraudulent revenue-generating. This fraud involved various multimillion-dollar transactions organized by Gottlieb and Drabinsky. Most transactions involved the rights to produce Show and Ragtime Boat in different U.S. theatres to Texas companies. The contract or agreement of this transaction obligated the need to h ave a non refundable fee. Specifically, the $11.2 million fee paid by the Texas company to Livent was non refundable. However, the Livent’s executives arranged a secret side agreement that guaranteed Texas Company a reasonable rate of return on every large investment they made. Despite the actual growth and earnings that the company achieved, the accounting staff benefited more while the company deteriorated at a high rate. The final Livent Fraud occurred in the late 1997, when Livent opened Ragtime in the Los Angeles Theatre. The company got into an agreement with the theatre of closing the show if the weekly sales fell less than $500, 000. During that period, Livent entered into various transactions purporting to present

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Animal Farm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Animal Farm - Essay Example VIRTUE BASED THEORY This ethical approach takes into consideration the different characters or parties to an event or an encounter and how they affect the interactions with other parties, either directly or indirectly. In this regard, it is evident that disparity in characters appears among various individuals. Good act may be presented by two people differently based on their characters. This therefore depicts ethics as the human nature one should strive to achieve, with specific characters such as being honest, kind, fair, faithful and generous among others being credited. Since these characters ensure harmonious interaction and co-existence among various parties, they are very appealing and appreciated. In a bid to achieve these qualities, one should act accordingly. In the Animal Farm, the deeds executed by various characters depicted either an adherence or non-adherence to the traits, a) Napolean treats other animals unfairly and strives to maintain his position as a leader thro ugh unfair ruling. He uses the nine dogs as a military weapon to intimidate other animals, which is not right as well as not directed towards achieving the ethical traits outlined above. b) Snowball is passionate and always strived to improve the welfare of other animals and works towards the achievement of the traits. c) Boxer is depicted as a strong character, who has dedication and loyalty in the improvement of the welfare of the members of the Animal Farm. d) Squealer is depicted as of unfit characters as he indulges himself in spreading propagandas, which are intended to ensure Napoleon retains leadership. e) Old Major is depicted as of good character through his leadership as well the vision of improving the welfare of the animals. f) Clover is of good character and is always observant of the commandment designated to govern the conduct of animals in the farm, is not pleased by violation of the laws by the pigs and blames herself for frequently forgetting the commandments. g) Moses is depicted to be of good faith by presentation of stories of the destination of the animals after their death. h) Mollie is depicted as a character that likes being treated fairly well by other, and is not involved in bad acts. i) Benjamin holds the opinion that life remains unchanged irrespective of who takes charge of leadership and always displays good characters in his undertakings j) Muriel is depicted as being very observant of the seven commandments, and thus depicts good character. k) Mr. Jones is depicted as an unjust leader, who does not take care of the welfare of the animals who suffer from lack of food. l) Mr. Fredrick is depicted as a person who is dedicated in his undertakings in a bid to ensure that perfection is derived from his undertakings m) Mr. Pilkington, is depicted as an easy-going character, an attribute not favoured in the virtue theory Consequentialism theory It asserts that an action’s impacts or behavior determines the moral value of it. Me asuring the moral worth of an action or impact is the main concern in consequallism. This is because consequences may be approvable, natural or bad. In consequential theory, only the real affects matters. People or objects affected by the behavior and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural Differences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Differences - Research Paper Example American workplace however differs that individuals are expected to rely on its own merit where hiring and promotion depends on what one have done or can do. It will not be offensive to impose professionalism at work. While kinship is valued in Philippine society in general, its professional class understands the virtue of performance and results as a basis for hiring and promotion. The perspective about power has the biggest disparity between United States and the Philippines. US scored 40 on this and this is reflective of American values of equality, liberty and justice for all compared to the Philippines which is a younger society and thus still feudalistic scoring 94 manifesting its hierarchial society which is reflective of its society’s inherent inequalities. Unlike in the US workplace where both managers and employees share information frequently in a manner that is informal, direct and participative, it is quite the opposite in the Philippines where subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is the benevolent autocrat. While American workplace requires little structure and little rules, these are emphasized in the Philippine workplace. Subordinates know their places and are generally accepting of this structure. This difference in perspective of the workplace an easily be resolved as a new manager in the Philippine context by clearly stating what is expected of its employees or subordinates. It can initiate a new culture of being more â€Å"egalitarian† in the workplace making it more flat which Philippine society is generally accepting of any initiative from the management as long as it does not threaten them. Both countries scored low on long-term orientation with the Philippines scoring 19 while the US scored 29. This does not however mean that both countries share all the characteristic of short sightedness. US short

How duration affects the rate of electrolysis in a Voltaic Cell Essay Example for Free

How duration affects the rate of electrolysis in a Voltaic Cell Essay Design and Conduct an experiment to investigate the effect of ONE FACTOR on redox reactions. Introduction:- The two main components of redox reactions are reduction and oxidation. Reduction is a gain in electrons and the decrease in oxidation number whereas oxidation is the loss of electrons and the increase in oxidation number. Voltaic cells, also known as galvanic cells generate their own electricity. The redox reaction in a Voltaic cell is a spontaneous reaction. For this reason, voltaic cells are commonly used as batteries. Voltaic cell reactions supply energy which is used to perform work. The energy is harnessed by situating the oxidation and reduction reactions in separate containers, joined by an apparatus (known as the salt bridge which primarily completes a circuit and maintains electrical neutrality) that allows electrons to flow. The functions of a voltaic cell are quite simple. There happens to be an anode and a cathode. The positive ions go the negative electrode (anode) whereas the negative ions go to the positive electrode (cathode). Electrons always flow from the anode (where oxidation takes place) to the cathode (where reduction takes place). Electrons flow across wires whereas ions flow across the electrolyte and the salt bridge. Aim:- The objective of this experiment is to see how the time affects the mass of the zinc electrode (anode) and the copper electrode (cathode) in a voltaic cell. Variables:- Variable Type of variable How it will be controlled Time (s) Independent (The one you change) Values from 5 to 35 minutes will be used Mass of anode cathode (g) Dependent (The one you measure) Electrodes will be measured after each time interval Current (A) Controlled Measure the current with the help on an ammeter Initial mass of cathode and anode (g) Controlled Weigh out the electrodes using top pan balance from the beginning of the experiment Charge on ion Controlled Use the same solution for all the trials. The charge on the copper ion should be 2+ since the copper 2+ is being converted to copper metal. The charge on the zinc ion should be 0 because Zn is being converted to Zn 2+ Concentration of electrolyte Controlled Use the same solution for all the trials. The solution primarily should be 1 mol dm-3 (just like standard conditions) Area of electrodes (cm2) Controlled Measure the electrodes to ensure they have the same dimensions (92.5cm). Use the same electrodes for all the trials. Volume of electrolyte (cm3) Controlled Use a measuring cylinder to measure out the electrolytes volume Atmosphere which we are working under Controlled Primarily we are working under standard room temperature of 298 K Apparatus:- * 122.5cm2 copper electrode * 122.5cm2 zinc electrode * 100cm3 1mol dm-3 Zinc sulphate solution * 100cm3 1mol dm-3 copper (II) sulphate solution * Filter paper (required to create a salt bridge) * 100cm3 of potassium nitrate solution (the spectator ion which I will require for creating the salt bridge which will complete the circuit and maintain electrical neutrality) * 2x200cm3 beakers * Stopwatch (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01s) * 1x100cm3 measuring cylinder (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.0cm3) * Voltmeter * 2 connecting wires * Top pan balance (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g) Method:- 1) Set up the voltaic cell. Use a measuring cylinder to measure out 100cm3 of copper sulphate solution. Pour it into the 200 cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ beaker. 2) Next do the same for zinc sulphate. Use a measuring cylinder to help measure out 100cm3 of zinc sulphate solution. Pour it into a different 200 cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ beaker. 3) Weigh the masses of the electrodes separately using a top pan balance. Record the initial masses. 4) Connect the wires to the outlets in the zinc and copper electrode. Place them in the corresponding outlets of the voltmeter. 5) After that we cut out some filter paper and dip that into our spectator ion (potassium nitrate) in order to build a salt bridge. The salt bridge will primarily complete the circuit, allow flow of ions and maintain electrical neutrality. The salt bridge will be placed in such a way that the ends of the salt bridge will be touching separate solutions of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate. The overall circuit should resemble the diagram in Figure.1. 6) Place the zinc electrode into the beaker with the zinc sulphate solution and the copper electrode into the beaker with the copper sulphate solution and at the same time, start the stopwatch. Keep the stopwatch running until 200 seconds elapse. *Note- we will be recording the time every 5 minutes because 1 or 2 minutes simply isnt enough for the change to take place 7) Take the cathode out of the solution and measure its mass (remember, before doing so, shake it a couple of times in order to remove any moisture). Record the mass. Do the same for the zinc electrode 8) Place the electrodes into their respective solutions once again and start timing. Repeat steps 5 to 6 9) Repeat the same steps until we get mass readings for up to 60 minutes of experimenting. Data Collection and Processing Raw data:- Initial mass of anode (zinc electrode): 31.29 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g Initial mass of cathode (copper electrode): 32.05 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g Table 1 Mass of anode and cathode obtained from different time intervals Duration of electrolysis (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.21s) Mass of anode (zinc electrode) (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g) Mass of cathode (copper electrode) (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g) 300.00 (5 minutes) 31.27 32.08 600.00 (10 minutes) 31.14 32.16 900.00 (15 minutes) 31.08 32.27 1200.00 (20 minutes) 31.00 32.42 1500.00 (25 minutes) 30.83 32.49 1800.00 (30 minutes) 30.61 32.80 2100.00 (35 minutes) 30.25 33.08 Qualitative observations:- We can see that the copper is deposited at the cathode where the cathode begins to get more pink/ brownish colour. Blue colour of copper sulphate solution begins to get paler. Zinc electrode begins to corrode a bit. Most corrosion can be observed at 35 minutes time interval. Note* Uncertainties: The average reaction time was à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.5s even though it did alter from interval to interval. Note that there is also a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01s time uncertainty in the stopwatch itself. The uncertainty for mass is inscribed on the top pan balance as well. Data Processing: We must now calculate the mass changes which have taken place due to experimenting with different time intervals. (Different time intervals would result in a different mass change) This can be calculated simply by doing the following: Mass change = final mass initial mass Due note however that this formula can only be used for calculating the mass change taking place at the cathode (copper electrode where reduction takes place). This is because copper 2+ is being converted to copper metal and is being deposited at the cathode. Obviously this would result in a mass gain at the cathode. Therefore, it would be better for us to use the formula Mass change = final mass initial mass so that it gives us a positive value for the mass change taking place at the cathode. Example 1 Mass change = final mass initial mass = 32.08 32.05 = 0.03g Example 2 Now to calculate the mass change taking place at the anode (zinc electrode), we use the following formula, Mass change = initial mass- final mass. In this case we use this formula because we know that the zinc is being oxidized to zinc 2+ leading the zinc electrode to corrode. This therefore results in a decrease in mass of the anode (zinc electrode). Thus, it would be better for us to use the formula Mass change = initial mass final mass so that it gives us a positive value for the mass change taking place at the anode. Mass change = initial mass final mass = 31.29 31.27 = 0.02 Table 2 -Mass changes of anode and cathode for each time interval Time (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.21s) Mass change of Anode (Zinc electrode)(à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g) Mass change of cathode (copper electrode) (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.01g) 300.00 (5 minutes) 0.02 0.03 600.00 (10 minutes) 0.15 0.11 900.00 (15 minutes) 0.21 0.22 1200.00 (20 minutes) 0.29 0.37 1500.00 (25 minutes) 0.46 0.44 1800.00 (30 minutes) 0.68 0.75 2100.00 (35 minutes) 1.04 1.03 Graph 1:- Graph 2:- To derive the equation for the two separate reactions, the number of electrons gained or lost during the process has to be deduced. The mass change per minute can be deduced from the gradient. Therefore we first calculate the gradient of graph 1 (mass changes for zinc electrode). For calculating the gradient, find two points which perfectly fits in the grid. In this case, the points (0.04. 100) and (0.08, 200) Gradient= (Y2 Y1) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (X2 X1) = (0.08- 0.04) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (200 100) = (0.04) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (100) = 0.0004 Therefore, the gradient of the first graph is 0.0002. So the mass change per minute for the anode is 0.0004. Next, we calculate the gradient of graph 2 (mass changes for copper electrode). To find the gradient, we work with the points (0.20. 500) and (0.24, 700) Gradient= (Y2 Y1) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (X2 X1) = (700 500) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (0.24- 0.20) = (200) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (0.04) = 0.0002 Therefore, the gradient of the first graph is 0.0002. So the mass change per minute for the cathode is 0.0002. The uncertainties also need to be propagated through the summation of the fractional uncertainties. Uncertainties regarding zinc electrode:- Fractional uncertainty of mass = absolute uncertainty à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ actual value = 0.01 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.02 = 0.500 Fractional uncertainty of time = absolute uncertainty à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ actual value = 0.21 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 300 = 0.0007 = 0.001 Total uncertainty = 0.001 + 0.500 = 0.501 to 3 decimal places Therefore the rate of change is 0.004 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.501 g/s Table 3 Rate of change for each time interval for anode (zinc electrode) Time (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.21s) Rate of change of anode (zinc electrode) (g/s) 60.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.501 120.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.067 180.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.048 240.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.035 300.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.022 360.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.015 420.00 0.004à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.001 To calculate the number of electrons in zinc electrode, the following equation may be used:- Number of electrons = molar mass à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ mass of electrode (mass of one of the samples) = 65.37 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 31.27 = 2.09 Therefore, this would be the half-equation which would occur at the cathode: Zn Zn2.09+ + 2.09e- Due to the loss in a bit more electrons compared to the theoretical formula, it would be a stronger reducing agent therefore the electrode potential would be lower (more negative) than that of the original value. Nevertheless, the electrode potential cannot be determined. Uncertainties regarding copper electrode:- Fractional uncertainty of mass = absolute uncertainty à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ actual value = 0.01 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.03 = 0.333 Fractional uncertainty of time = absolute uncertainty à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ actual value = 0.21 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 300 = 0.0007 = 0.001 Total uncertainty = 0.001 + 0.333= 0.334 to 3 decimal places Therefore the rate of change is 0.002 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.334 g/s Table 3 Rate of change for each time interval for cathode (copper electrode) Time (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.21s) Rate of change of cathode (copper electrode) (g/s) 60.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.334 120.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.091 180.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.046 240.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.027 300.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.023 360.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.013 420.00 0.002à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.010 To calculate the number of electrons in copper electrode, the following equation may be used:- Number of electrons = molar mass à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ mass of electrode (mass of one of the samples) = 65.50 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 32.08 = 2.04 Therefore, this would be the half-equation which would occur at the cathode: Cu2.04+ + 2.04e- Cu Due to the gain of a bit more electrons compared to the theoretical formula, it would be a slightly weaker oxidizing agent therefore the electrode potential would be slightly lower than that of the original value. Nevertheless, the electrode potential cannot be determined. Conclusion My results show that as the duration/ time intervals increase, the mass of the anode (zinc electrode) decreases and the mass of the cathode (copper electrode) increases. We can see that there is a strong positive correlation between the time it takes for both electrodes to change in masses. If the duration is longer, then more electrons flow from the zinc electrode to the copper electrode (anode to cathode) through the electrical wires, while ions flow through the salt bridge to complete. As we know, in a voltaic cell/ galvanic cell, oxidation occurs at the anode (negative electrode) where as reduction occurs at the cathode (positive electrode). Primarily, zinc is oxidized at the anode and converted to zinc 2+. This causes corrosion at the zinc electrode due to the metal being converted to ions thus the mass of the zinc electrode (anode) decreases. On the other hand, copper undergoes reduction at the cathode and the copper 2+ ions get converted to copper metal. This causes the copper metal to be deposited at the cathode thus leading to the copper electrode (cathode) to increase in mass as the duration is increased. The following anodic reaction takes place at the zinc electrode (this is the theoretical equation):- Zn (s) Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- However the equation we found experimentally is:- Zn Zn2.09+ + 2.09e- Hence, this suggests that since the former zinc sample has more electrons to lose, it is an even stronger oxidizing agent compared to the theoretical equation and is slightly higher in the electrochemical series than the latter zinc samples. According to the results that have been gathered, there is a positive correlation between the time it takes to electrolyse an aqueous solution and the rate of electrolysis. The rate of electrolysis was measured using the mass of cathode. If the duration of electrolysis is longer, then more electrons will flow through the circuit and more ions will flow from the anode to the cathode. Oxidation occurs at the anode whereas reduction occurs at the cathode. The cathode gains electrons therefore the mass decreases. The following reaction has taken place (although this is the theoretical equation): Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- Cu (s) However, the experimental equation is: Cu1.75+ + 1.75e- Cu Therefore this implies that since the former copper sample has more electrons to gain, it is a stronger oxidizing agent and it is lower in the electrochemical series than the latter copper sample. The value of the electrode potential hasnt been calculated, however, the number of electrons is 25% off there that shows that there is a great difference between the literature value and the experimental value. According to the graph in the previous page, there is a very strong positive correlation between the mass change and duration of electrolysis as can be deduced from the high R squared value. The change in mass over a certain period of time is very gradual because of the size of the electrons. Although a lot of electrons are able to flow through the electrolyte, there is not such a drastic change. By looking at the graph, almost all the error bars for the points touch the line of best fit which means the data is fairly accurate. The theoretical mass of a copper electrode would be 31.75g. From the results that have been tabulated, the mass of a copper electrode is 36.21g. The percentage error can be calculated using the following formula: Percentage error = difference x 100 theoretical value = 4.46 x 100 31.75 = 14.04% This shows that although there is not such a big difference between the theoretical value and the experimental value. Evaluation Limitation Type of error Improvement The mass of the anode was not measured therefore the rate of electron transfer between the two electrodes could not be determined. This could have increased or decreased the mass of the cathode. Random Measure the mass of the anode The power pack has internal resistance therefore not all the current was emitted. This could have decreased the current, thus decreasing the number of electrons produced. Random Use a resistor to accurately measure the current The top pan balance had a zero offset error. This could have increased the mass of the cathode. Systematic Use the top pan balance with the 0.001 uncertainty to obtain more accurate values. a

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Christmas Carol Essay Example for Free

A Christmas Carol Essay In the time Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol life was tough. Poverty was common and for most people food was scarce. Many people were forced to move to the already overpopulated, crowded cities and due to the lack of housing many of these people were living in horrible conditions on the streets. Dickens tried to point out some of the social issues of the time through his literature in the hope that something could be done to make conditions for the poorer people better. One issue Dickens points out is how money could change peoples lives dramatically. In A Christmas Carol Scrooge represents a rich snob. He is stubborn, selfish and self-centred. He appears to be ignorant to all the poverty around him and doesnt acknowledge the impact it has on peoples lives. Scrooge is the type of person many of us would purposely avoid meeting, talking to or even catching eye contact with. It was the very thing he liked. To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance (Page 35). It seems Scrooge makes a conscious effort to be seen as a loner and perhaps even enjoys it. The Cratchits represent the other side of the story and many of the poor families living at the time, they are poor and have so many hardships they have to cope with they were not well dressed; their shoes were far from being water-proof; their clothes were scanty; and Peter might have known, and very likely did, the inside of a pawnbrokers. But they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another, and contented with the time (Page 84). This shows how, even though they didnt have very many things going for them, they were happy with what they had been blessed with. In stave 3 Scrooge is taken by the ghost of Christmas present to see the Cratchits Christmas dinner. The dinner is not very big at all, as they all know, but Mrs Cratchit refuses to believe that they had eaten it all and everyone had enough to fill their starving stomachs. Mrs Cratchit said with great delight (surveying one small atom of a bone upon the dish), they hadnt ate it all at last! (Page 81) we are seeing her mothering instincts here as she tries to persuade herself, and anyone else listening to her that she has managed feed her family adequately and shes not stinting them despite the situation. Tiny Tim is a cripple, and represents the Cratchits unending struggle to cope with life. This doesnt upset the family though, because they treat him in the same way they treat each other. Before Scrooge met the family he was callous and uncaring, so when he asks the ghost if Tiny Tim will survive, the ghost quotes Scrooges words If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population Scrooge then realises how horrid he had been in the past about cripples and other less fortunate people than himself so he was overcome with penitence and grief, feelings he hadnt felt for a long time. The Cratchit family are certainly not as rich as Scrooge but they are so much happier. They believe family and friends are so much more important than work and money. Mrs Cratchit doesnt worry about not having very much food, she worries more about her family and if anyone is late on Christmas day. What has ever got your precious father then, said Mrs Cratchit Page 79. This shows how loving Mrs Cratchit and the rest of the family are to each other, and they would rather have a smaller portion of food than some of the family missing out and having more food to themselves. Scrooge has a very different view on life to the Cratchits, he believes he doesnt needs friends, family and happiness because he is rich, has a successful job and works hard. What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? Youre poor enough. (Page 36) Scrooge believed this until he met the Cratchit family.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflective Portfolio of an Occupational Therapist

Reflective Portfolio of an Occupational Therapist Reflective Portfolio and Continuing Professional Development Portfolio The HCPC defines a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portfolio as: ‘A range of learning activities through which health professionals maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure that they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice’. (Allied Health Professions project) Put simply, a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio is a way for professionals to continue to learn and develop throughout their careers so they keep their skills and knowledge up to date and are able to work safely, legally and effectively within social services or the private sector. Alsop (2000) recognises that there is a wide range of benefits of CPD. By keeping a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio it helps to encourage a higher standard of personal professional performance. It demonstrates a commitment from the healthcare professional to ensure the best practice is given as well as demonstrating a dedicated commitment to service users. Continuing Professional Development Portfolio requires some specific documents. For example a CPD portfolio requires a fully up-to-date Curriculum Vitae and a personal statement with a summary of current work and how your CPD improved the quality of your work and the benefits you have provided to your service users. As well as the basic necessities there are a variety of things that could be beneficial to include in ones Continuing Professional Development Portfolio such as informative hand-outs or articles that have impacted upon your understanding of Occupational Therapy or examples of your skills applied to your current situation. Another key aspect of keeping a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio is to have regular reflections of your objective practices and assessments. By turning ones experiences of practice into a written form of documentation it will help each individual identify and support their learning outcomes and learning needs. It also helps to have a wide ra nge of learning activities including peer review/feedback and group projects. As well as peer feedback from group work it would also be beneficial to include feedback on assignments from professors, illustrating how your learning has developed, and your practice has improved. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (COT, 2010) specifies the requirements of an Occupational Therapist in relation to keeping a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio. It states that all Occupational Therapists must continue to keep a CPD portfolio that may be audited by the HCPC every five years. Each professional must make sure that their CPD Portfolio shows a variety of different kinds of activities and that each activity is relevant to their line of work. Each CPD portfolio should aim to improve the quality of work you produce, and ensure that each healthcare professional is able to practice safely and effectively within their scope of practice as well as being able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of each varying profession. For example an Occupational Therapist because they have such a holistic approach to their care would need to be aware of the impact of culture, equality and diversity on their practice (HCPC 2013) With each health care prof essional updating their Continuing Professional Development Portfolio they will be able to draw on up to date and appropriate knowledge and skills to inform their practice decisions and to help them understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment. However a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio is not just kept by Occupational Therapist’s but are required from the entire multidisciplinary team A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is composed of members from different healthcare professions with specialised skills and expertise. This is beneficial to the patients because when professionals from a range of disciplines with different but complementary skills, knowledge and experience work together they are able to deliver comprehensive healthcare aimed at providing the best possible outcome for the physical and psychosocial needs of a patient and their carers. Multidisciplinary care occurs due to the fact that a patient needs may change with time and treatment. Since the team has such a diverse range of professions to call upon for a patients care the structure of the team may also change to meet these needs. There are many health care professions that make up a multidisciplinary team ranging from District Nurses, Physiotherapist, Doctors, Speech and Language Therapists and of course Occupational Therapists The role of an Occupational Therapist can provide many benefits within the multidisciplinary team. Their specific training allows them to hold the distinctive role of understanding a patient’s medical, physical and psychological state and the impact that their disability or injury might be imposing on their lives. It also helps that occupational therapists are able to address an individual’s broader goals that will help a patient integrate with their local community and reduce depression and participate in the activities that are important to them. Essentially Occupational Therapists prove to be instrumental in combined teams as they are able to understand both the health and social care context of a client. The Occupational Therapists have a unique opportunity to link various professionals dealing with a clients care. They can act as the cohesive agent to maximise the effectiveness of a team. They have involvement in working with both health and social care and return to work schemes. Unlike the rest of the multidisciplinary team Occupational Therapists’ provide a client centred approach to their practice, they look at the person as a whole so involving the clients occupation, their environment and their spirituality into their treatment. ‘The occupational therapist values individual experience, cultural diversity, religious beliefs and lifestyle diversity in their clients. The expression of these values means that occupational therapy is essentially a flexible process in which the therapist listens to the client in order to understand and respond to their individual needs, values, interests and aspirations. For intervention to be integrated into the life and context of the individual, the family and carers, it must be culturally sensitive and culturally relevant.’ (Creek 2003, p29). This client centred approach is also greatly aided by the fact that occupational therapists have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the equipment and adaptations that are a major part of healthcare services (Rabiee and Glendinning 2010). This makes Occupational Therapists a valuable part of the MDT for the government as they drastically help reduce the cost of care for some clients. A recent study which explored the relationship between provision of correct equipment from an Occupational Therapist and the reduction on care package costs and residential care found that on average the cost of an eight week care package was dropped by over  £60,000 (Hill. S (2007). This was because housing adaptations made by the Occupational Therapist greatly reduced the need for daily visits and reduced or even in some cases removed the costs for home care this ultimately brought savings in that ranged from  £1,200 to  £29,000 a year. (Heywood and Turner.2007). Ultimately the setting up of supplementary moving and handling equipment by the occupational therapists reduces the need for two carers to assist the patients with their personal care. In Somerset, of the 125 services users who were assessed; 37% of them are now only assisted by one carer instead of two, with savings of  £270,000 achieved. The average initial investment in equipment was  £763 per service user (Mi ckel 2010). This additional money saving shows that the Occupational Therapists are a cost effective and highly efficient members of the multidisciplinary team, who can provide holistic, well rounded care to each individual patient. As well as all members of the multidisciplinary team having to keep a Continuing Professional Development Portfolio they must also keep reflection folders. Reflection can be defined as a framework through which professionals can explore all issues involved in clinical practice to them it is a means of enabling practitioners to theorise about practice and thus enable theory to emerge from practice. Schà ¶n (1983) presents the idea that there are two types of reflection: Firstly there is reflection in action this is when the professional’s instinctive actions are reflected upon, whilst they are carrying it out the actions or assessment, and altered as necessary whilst in the situation. Secondly there is reflection on action this is when we as professionals step back from the performance and reflect on that action at a later time and date. Many different professionals have presented different models of reflection for healthcare practitioners to follow, ranging from Graham Gibbs, Christopher Johns and John Driscoll. Graham Gibbs developed his reflective cycle (Gibbs 1988) based upon each stage of David A. Kolb’s experiential cycle (Kolb 1984). He suggested how a full structured analysis of a situation could take place using prompt questions at each stage. It is probably the most cited model by health care professionals but does not contain the number or depth of prompt questions contained in some other models Description In this section, the professionals need to explain what they were reflecting on. This means that they need to include background information, such as what it is they were reflecting on and tell the reader who was involved. It’s important to remember to keep the information provided relevant, to-the-point and most importantly confidential. Feelings In this section the professional needs to discuss their feelings and thoughts about the experience. They need to consider questions such as: How did you feel at the time? What did you think at the time? What did you think about the incident afterwards? Here they are able to discuss their emotions honestly. Evaluation-For the evaluation, the professionals need to discuss how well the event went. Including factors such as: How they reacted to the situation at hand, and how did other people react to the same situation? What was good and what was bad about the experience? Analysis- In the analysis, one needs to consider what might have helped or hindered the event at the time. The professional also has the opportunity here to compare the experience with the literature they have read. Conclusion- In the conclusion, it is important for the professional to acknowledge: whether they could have done anything else; what has been learned from the experience; consider whether they could you have responded in a different way. If the experience was positive it is important to discuss whether the same actions would be undertaken to ensure the same positive outcomes next time. At the same time considering if there is anything that could have been change a to improve things even further. If the incident was negative then you need to reflect on how this could have been avoided and what needs to be done to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I chose Gibbs’ model of reflection to use in my own assignment, because I found that the structure was easy to follow, and was laid out clearly. The instructions were simple and sequential. In addition to this the model was easy to apply to my assessments and my clients. Applying the Model to an Assessment performed on Placement. For confidentiality reasons during this reflection the client will take the pseudonym of Mrs Jones who was a seventy five year old woman and my educator will go by the pseudonym of Mrs Smith. Description In this section I will be reflecting upon a washing and dressing assessment with Mrs Jones that took place on the ward before her returning home. Mrs Jones was in hospital for several months after suffering a fall at home. Mrs Jones lived at home by herself in a two storey house, with three bedrooms but with a downstairs toilet and bathroom. Involved in this assessment were myself, Mrs Jones and Mrs Smith. The assessment took place on the ward in a small wash room and toilet. After her fall Mrs Jones had been using a Zimmer frame to walk around the hospital ward. Feelings As this was my first assessment on my own naturally I was incredibly nervous. Throughout the entire assessment I was worried that I was going to make a wrong choice or a poor decision. Throughout the assessment I was also conscious about trying to impress my educator, so actually I could be guilty of focussing more upon impressing my educator than focussing on the patient. However after the assessment had finished I did feel that it had been a success! Mrs Jones had performed well proving that she was capable of washing and dressing herself with minimal assistance from myself or from Mrs Smith. This ultimately proved that she was ready to return home. Evaluation- During the assessment I felt that I remained calm and collected and managed to keep my nerves under control. However looking back on the assessment and after a discussion with Mrs Smith, I feel like I could have been a bit firmer with Mrs Jones. For when she kept asking to sit down and rest during the assessment I would let her whereas Mrs Smith said that she would had encouraged Mrs Jones to keep going. Stating that since being on the ward Mrs Jones had become used to the nurses doing everything for her and that whilst she was with us I would need to learn to differentiate between Mr Jones genuine need for help, for example when she needed help washing the top of her back and when she was being lazy and trying to get me to do things for her. However Mrs Smith said that being firm but fair with clients would become much easier with age and experience. Analysis- During this assessment I also learnt to give the physical environment much more thought before starting a washing and dressing assessment. The cubical wash room was quite small and I failed to take into consideration that during the assessment I would have to manoeuvre myself, Mrs Jones and Mrs Jones’ Zimmer frame around the toilet, shower and wash hand basin. I should have realised that I should have entered the wash room first in order to have full access to all the facilities, however I politely followed Mrs Jones into the bathroom, but then had the difficulty of moving round Mrs Jones and her Zimmer frame in order to move on with the assessment. A greater awareness of the physical environment would have enabled me to pre-empt this inconvenience. Conclusion- In conclusion I feel that the assessment was a positive experience for both myself and Mrs Jones. In order to replicate the same positive experience for both parties, I need to remain confident and emphatic to my clients, whilst ensuring I am realistic with their abilities. The fact that I remained in an energetic and encouraging mood help lift the spirits of Mrs Jones, and inspired her to keep going in the assessment even when she claimed she didn’t want to. I found that the mood of the Occupational Therapist can quite often transfer to the patient, so remaining positive whilst in front of the client is essential to a beneficial and successful assessment. Reflecting on all of my assessments whilst on my placement helped me identify my future learning needs. I realised that there is still plenty of room for me to grow and develop not only as a professional but also as a person. Mrs Smith and all of the clients helped me understand that to grow as a professional I need to continue to build therapeutic and respectful relationships with my clients. Although a strong rapport with patients is essential at the same time I need to learn to distance myself emotionally from my clients and to continue to remain professional. For a few times on placement and during initial assessments I found myself becoming emotionally attached to my clients, viewing them as if they were a family member, my grandparents for example. In order to become a better professional I need to learn to differentiate sympathy and empathy for my clients. Once I have managed this it will be easier for me to learn to find the balance between firm and fair when assessing my eld erly clients, and only ask them to do what was realistically achievable. The final learning need that I was able to identify from my multiple written reflections, and from my reflection discussions with Mrs Smith was that as a professional I need to learn to be more confident when in charge of an assessment, but this will be something that will continue to develop and grow with age and experience. In assessing a client’s needs and appropriate course of treatment I need to consider which methods will best help achieve the desired outcome. Experience will help develop my ability to determine realistic targets and reflection will enable me to create a portfolio of these methods to achieve those targets. A record of good and effective practices such as exchanges with other Occupational Therapists can only serve to enhance my professional development. References (Allied Health Professions project), ‘Demonstrating competence through CPD’, 2002. Alsop, A. 2000. Continuing Professional Development: A Guidefor Therapists. London: Blackwell Science. COT- College of Occupational Therapists 2010. Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. London. College of Occupational Therapists. Creek J (2003) Occupational therapy defined as a complex intervention. London: College of Occupational Therapists Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit. HCPC Health and Care Professions Council 2013.Standards of proficiency for occupational therapists. London. Health Care professions council Heywood F and Turner L (2007) Better outcomes, lower costs: implications for health and Dsocial care budgets of investment in housing adaptations, improvements and equipment: a review of the evidence. London: Stationery Office. Hill S (2007) Independent living: equipment cost savings. [Research report identified through the COT Killer Facts Database]. Mickel, A (2010) A ticking timebomb. Occupational Therapy News [OTnews], 18(5), 38-39 Nottingham University: Reflection Models online accessed 25/04/2014 Rabiee P, Glendinning C (2010) The organisation and content of home care re-ablement services. (Research Works 2010-01). York: University of York, Social Policy Research Unit. Schà ¶n D.A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. Aldershot. Arena

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Summary of James Hiltons Goodbye, Mr. Chips Essay example -- Teachers

Summary of James Hilton's Goodbye, Mr. Chips James Hilton’s novel Goodbye, Mr. Chips is the story of an English schoolmaster who dedicated his entire adult life teaching young boys. He was a somewhat shy person. Nevertheless he was a competent school teacher, professional and attractive in many different ways. Although his first teaching experience was not successful, he was determined to become a good schoolmaster. After coming to Brookfield, he began to warm up to his students. But more important he brought discipline to his school which is the requirement for good teaching—something he did not achieve while teaching at Melbery. After teaching 25 years at Brookfield, Chips was still unmarried. Everyone thought that he would never get married because he had passed the usual marrying age. But, he did marry and it happened under unusual conditions. He went on a trip to the Lake district of England and there, he met his future wife, Katherine Bridges. During the trip, he was climbing a steep hill when he saw a woman from far waving at someone down below. The woman was standing on a dangerous-looking ledge and appeared to be asking for help. Chips thought that she needed to be rescued and proceeded to help her. Instead of helping her, he hurt his ankle, and in the end, she ended up helping Chips. Within weeks after their first meeting, they fell in love with each other and before the end of summer, they got married. Katherine deeply loved Chips and he loved her in return. Within a short time, the charming Katherine turned Mr. chips into an good-natured gentleman who was adored by his students. He was changed by the power of love. Chips became a kind, congenial, friendly individual to everyone—so much so that he became the most beloved teacher at Brookfield. Full of enthusiasm, young English schoolmaster Mr. Chipping came to teach at Brookfield in 1870. It was a time when dignity and a kindness of spirit still existed, and the dedicated new schoolmaster expressed these beliefs to his disorderly students. Nicknamed Mr. Chips, this gentle and caring man helped shape the lives of generation after generation of boys. He became a legend at Brookfield, as continuing as the institution itself. And sad but grateful faces told the story when the time came for the students at Brookfield to bid their final goodbye to Mr. Chips. This novel Goodbye, Mr... ...ool’s war dead; for everyone else they are just names, but for Chips, each name has a face attached. After the War the retireds, after 42 years teaching Roman History and Latin at Brookfield. Mr. Chips is the living personification of institutional memory. The classes of boys, the teachers and headmasters, even the subjects and teaching methods, come and go, but Chips has remained throughout. He â€Å"still had those ideas of dignity and generosity that a frantic world was forgetting.† He embodies the pre-War world and its values. In the very middle of an era that was witnessing an unregulated attack on all of the West’s institutions and values, Hilton created Mr. Chips, it represent the conservative ideal—providing a bridge of memory to all that is beautiful and good and decent in our past, just in case, in our zeal to create a perfect world, we forget the qualities and accomplishments which give us the pretty good world in which we live. This book is unabashedly sentimental. I appreciate the sensitivity non-political way in which they make the most important of political points: even as we move forward we must always preserve those things and ideas of value in our past.

Seven Years War Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Seven Years’ War The first true World War. †¦Cause and effects!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What would the state of the free world be today if the alliance of the war of the Austrian Succession had not reversed in the Seven Years’ War? Would we speak French, still be â€Å"New England†, or perhaps New Spain? The fact is that while we may not know for certain that today’s world would be different, you can rest assured that the Seven Years’ War set the tone in Europe, and more importantly in North America for the next half century. The history of the 18th century in Europe was always uncertain. In fact, the history of Europe will show that the fate of the continent, perhaps even the world, was always on the brink. Nations constantly were maneuvering for the upper hand looking to the highest bidder to choose sides with. The war of the Spanish Succession and the war of the Austrian Succession will show us that this new â€Å"world war† would be no different. The degree of uncertainty on the continent in 1755 is unparalleled. Russia, Bohemia, and even France and England could have swung in either direction. In fact France and England did change â€Å"loyalties† if you will between the Treaty of Aix-la-chapelle and Frederick’s invasion of Bohemia in 1756. Maria Theresa, although agreed to the aforementioned treaty to end the war of her accession, would always seek revenge on Frederick for the humiliation he had inflicted on her. If these loyalties or interests I should say hadn’t changed, what would the effect on the world be today? Would you or I be speaking some other language? French perhaps? The Enlightened Despots, Frederick? Was he? Maria Theresa? Hardly, Catherine had absolutely no impact whatsoever, and William Pitt, while he was an effective military strategist, was no despot, and surely not enlightened. Louis the XV, who was led around by the nose by Mme de Pompadour, was as ineffective as all the Kings of France would be after his grandfather. Britain obtained Prussia as her ally, but you might ask, why? Surely you can’t fuel Frederick’s massive army any more? Pitt the Elder argued though that while true... ... have none of that. The war would lead Prussia to the forefront on the European continent, however Britain clearly gained much more than any other did. France would not recover, and Louis knew all too well what lay in store when he said â€Å" After me, the deluge.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anderson, Fred â€Å"Crucible of War†, The Seven Years’ War and the fate of Empire in British North America. Random House: New York, NY 2000 2. Durant, Will and Ariel â€Å"Rousseau and Revolution† The Story of Civilization. Simon and Schuster: New York, NY 1967 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kennedy, Paul â€Å"The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers† Random House: New York, NY 1987 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leckie, Robert â€Å"A Few Acres of Snow†, The Saga of the French and Indian Wars. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY 1999 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Margiotta, Franklin D., Ed. â€Å"Brassey’s Encyclopedia of Military History and Biography†, Washington: Brassey’s, Inc. 1994

Friday, July 19, 2019

Is the European Monetary Union a disaster? ? Discuss Essay examples --

Abstract This essay evaluates the development of the EMU; a system that only came into effect three years ago. Through the lack of recent literature most of the evidence are derived from articles of various sources. The essay takes into consideration that the EMU is embedded in a generally declining world economy. It illustrates why the EMU did not reach their targeted goals immediately and points out shortcomings in the architecture of the EMU in the Maastricht Treaty that ought to be reformed. It takes the viewpoint that although since the introduction of the Euro there is an apparent recession in the Euro area countries, it is not entirely to be blamed on new currency and that the allegation that the EMU is a disaster is totally unfounded. For over thirty years now a European Monetary Union has belonged to the articulated aims of the European Union. All previous attempt to establish a Monetary Union, such as the so-called â€Å"Werner- Plans† in 1979 through the European Monetary System (EMS), failed though. In 2002 the EMU finally was put into full effect. Now that the Euro- countries have experienced three years with the Euro, it is possible to make a preliminary assessment of the Euro.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to detect whether ‘EMU is a disaster’ one has first to establish the meaning and context in which the term ‘disaster’ is used in relation to this question. The Oxford Dictionary defines the term ‘disaster’ as a ‘complete failure’ . In accordance to this definition one would expect the European Monetary Union to have an utter negative impact on the Euro countries, this could include a weak currency and business activity, a high inflation rate, a refusal of acceptance of the new currency from the citizens and a counter effect on the aim towards deeper European integration. In order to fulfil the aims of this essay, it will try to analyse the impact of the introduction of the Euro with the following criteria: first, it will outline the intentions for the introduction of the Euro and the advantages economist and member states had hoped to gain from it. Next, the essay will look at the reaction the Euro has caused in the economi c and business cycles of the euro-area states and assess the capability of the European Central Bank (ECB) to deal with economic fluctuation. The next step will be to analyse the reaction of the public to th... ...bsp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  European Central Bank EMU  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  European Monetary Union GDP  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gross Domestic Product HCIP  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices SGP  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stability and Growth Pact Bibliography Pearsall, J. (ed.) (1999): The Concise Oxford Dictionary ( Tenth Edition) Oxford University Press, Oxford. Hankel, W, Nà ¶lling, W, Schachtschneider K, Starbatty, J (2001) : Die Euro-Illusion, Ist Europa noch zu retten? Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Hamburg The Economist: Rules are made to bend, aren’t they?. Jul 25th 2002 Stierand, H ( 2002): Geldpolitik im Europà ¤ischen System der Zentralbanken (ESZB), Winkler Verlag, Darmstadt Renne, B (2001): Die Europà ¤ische Wirtschafts – und Wà ¤hrungsunion zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit ( The European Economic- and Monetary Union between expectations and reality) Peter Lang, Frankfurt Stierand, H ( 2002): Geldpolitik im Europà ¤ischen System der Zentralbanken (ESZB), Winkler Verlag, Darmstadt r021122b.pdf

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Google Search Essay

What are the company’s key resources and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses does it have? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued success are present? The key resources and competitive capabilities of the search industry are due to the huge company’s success. For instance, Google gains the trust of users through reliable, accurate searches and a clear distinction of upfront advertisements in searches. Therefore, the online business user’s can do their work in minimum physical locations and lower fixed cost. These locations is fully utilized as they maximize the creativity and being in high-spirit for their working environment. The employees are hired selectively amongst some of the greatest minds in technology and related fields, and are given the tools, freedom, and encouragement to be innovative and fulfilled by their job. Several iconic features of Google remain unparalleled, including their extensive Google Earth and Google Maps capabilities, archetypal YouTube video streaming, and Google Search Appliances that allow other companies to feature Google search bars within their own sites. Being a leader in the search industries, Google is also has a few number of weaknesses. These could have serious implications on the future of their business as such the low revenue that is acquired from YouTube represents a lost opportunity for such a large online presence. Their grasp on the comprehensive social networking market is far behind those of their competitors. And while they remain an industry leader, their international reach in emerging markets such as China leave much to be desired and acquired. The rapid growth in search industries which revolving around technology and the Internet turns out of giving many opportunities to Google currently and in the near future. For example, the Internet and mobile advertising growth lead the way for increasing importance of Search Engine Optimization for marketers. More data on users becomes more readily available using data collected from searches and Chrome. Possibly the most important up-and-coming necessity for innovative companies such as Google is the  availability for users to have all of their information in one account through cloud computing. Being in such a competitive and fast moving environment will comes together with the threats to the firms. Companies who are leaders in their industry in avenues Google has attempted to take, such as Facebook for social networking, Microsoft Office for word processing, and for detailed weather reports, make finding a stronghold in such ventures very difficult. Users who are already fully integrated are unlikely to switch, and may be hesitate to have their personal information in multiple locations. Cloud computing poses a serious threat to possible hacking and identity theft, since a single set of login information could allow access to a multitude of facets of personal information. The ethical concern in the minds of many consumers regarding the ability of companies to track user viewing habits hurts users’ trust in Google, and is characterized in the blocking habits of Explorer and Firefox. Without access to this information however, the full potential of selective online advertising cannot be reached. Google must also confront substitute services as they arise, so that their main competitive advantage in search specialization is not replicated. In addition, they must be aware of any intellectual property rights laws that may be passed in the near future so as not to impede onto the service they provide.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Christopher Columbus Essay

Christopher capital of Ohio has been commemorated in hundreds of thousands of ways across marriage and to the s forthh America. He has roads named in his honor, towns, structures and stock-still Americas capital Is capital of Ohio truly deserving of these admirations though? later all, he did secernate the land that we tolerate today so how could e actuallybody have any issues with this voyagers endeavors? Countless sight except the fact though that there were already hu humanss occupying what we know as North America today. Numerous people were taught un measurely on all of the accomplishments capital of Ohio made, only when overlook the full truth of this storied man.The question then comes to be Who is Christopher capital of Ohio? Is he truly the guy that more another(prenominal) Americans title a hero? The man whose expedition was the paramount stage in an extensive work that eventually created the coupled States? Or, is capital of Ohio the flawed character that ma ny have suggested. In the autumn of 1451, the married woman of a wool-weaver in Genoa gave birth to a boy who was destined to change the course of history. capital of Ohio is believed to have been born someplace between August 26th and October 31. He was the eldest son of Domenico Colombo, a Genoese wool worker and merchant, and Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife, and was raised in their Christian household. (Christopher capital of Ohio, Britannica)Columbus was commissioned by the king and queen of Spain to find a route to the Indies. However, he sailed the opposite statement of his intended intention by crossing over the Atlantic and landing in the Americas, resulting in the uncovering of the new-fashioned World for Spain. This discovery was a major point in not only atomic number 63an history, but world history. From this, Christopher Columbus gained status as somewhat of a hero to his people during one of the darkest times in Europes history. He lived during a time when Europe was in great tempestuousness caused by disease, famine, and religious persecution. It was also the root word of an era when finding a reign over trade route to the Indies was important. The misconception behind the goal of Columbus voyages is that he was not out to achieve wealth alone, but to take up the final expansion of the Gospel that would withdraw in the end of time. Columbus believed in the Bible and that it was his duty to spread Christianity to the Indians. Until very recently, every schoolchild was taught that Christopher Columbus discovered the innovative World.Columbus was depicted as a brave and determined navy man who singlehandedly convinced Queen Isabella of Spain to fund his voyage. In history books, Columbus was portrayed as a true hero a man who made it possible for millions of European immigrants to start fresh in a new land. Now, this image of Christopher Columbus is universe challenged. Many historians and others claim that Columbus did not discover anything. Before he arrived, the new-sprung(prenominal) World already had been discovered by others, Leif Ericksson among them. In addition, the New World was already populated by over quintet hundred Native American tribes.To watchword Columbuss voyage a discovery would be like fetching a hundred people, landing in Italy, and saying that these people discovered Italy. Christopher Columbus may have encountered or collided with the New World, but he did not discover it. Many historians argue though that whether Columbuss voyages are called a discovery, an encounter, or a collision does not matter. No one can deny that Columbus made Europe aware of the New World, and that this awareness had a great impact. It was Columbus who started this new awareness. It is Columbus who should be credit with it. They believe that celebrating Columbuss voyages is to save the beginning of the new world as we know it today.Works Cited1) Summerhill, Stephen J., and John black lovage Williams. Sink ing Columbus Contested History, heathen Politics, and Mythmaking during the Quincentenary. Gainesville University of Florida, 2000. Print. 2) Bradford, Ernle. Christopher Columbus. New York, NY Viking, 1973. Print. 3) Szumski, Bonnie, and JoAnne Buggey. Christopher Columbus Recognizing Stereotypes. San Diego, CA Greenhaven, 1992. Print.4) Christopher Columbus. Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.