Saturday, November 30, 2019

Laws Courts And Policies Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Laws, Courts, And Policies Essay, Research Paper Sep. 16 1999 Law, Courts, Politics Data/ Analysis The American President # 8217 ; s and Their Judges The appointing of Judgess to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals is the duty of the United States President. This duty does non travel without its benefits. Because the jurisprudence can at times be # 8220 ; flexible # 8221 ; when make up ones minding a instance, a president is most likely traveling to take a justice with the same background and ends as he. The Number of Judges Appointed A president can name as many Judgess as he wishes. During the last 10 presidencies the sum of Judgess appointed ranged from 12 to seventy eight during a whole presidential term and 3.6 to 14 per twelvemonth. When the figure of Judgess is broken down into how many per twelvemonth by president a form appears. It seems that the figure of appointed Judgess per twelvemonth per president increased and peaked during the Carter old ages. We will write a custom essay sample on Laws Courts And Policies Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Carter, with a big 14 per twelvemonth, totaled to 56 during his four twelvemonth term. Although Reagan appointed a sum of 78 it was all during eight old ages of presidential term. Thus, after the extremum of President Carter there was a slow but steady diminution. In a speedy glimpse, one might believe that President Reagan had the most consequence on the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. It is non until you look into the information that the realisation is that President Carter packed 4.25 % more per twelvemonth into the judges’ seats. Bush and Clinton Political Parties Without interrupting down into per centums the difference in party favour is obvious between Bush and Clinton. President Bush appointed 34 republican Judgess, two democratic Judgess, and one independent justice. Clinton appointed 41 democratic Judgess, three republican Judgess, and four independent Judgess. The difference is due to the president # 8217 ; s ain political party. A president is more likely to name a justice that has the same political beliefs as he does. Gender Democrats and republican are different in that Democrats are more broad and republican more conservative. This can consequence farther into the president # 8217 ; s assignments of Judgess. Democrats are more likely to name a higher per centum of adult females to the tribunals than a republican would. This is shown clearly by the difference in gender assignment by Bush and Clinton. President Bush appointed 8.9 % adult females whereas Clinton appointed 33.3 % adult females. There is a difference of 23.4 % between the two presidents! Once once more this is due to their beliefs drawn from their political parties. Race

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

navl operation amer cival war essays

navl operation amer cival war essays NAVAL OPERATIONS DURING THE CIVIL WAR At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, there was little reason to suspect that the United States Navy would play a very big role in the war. The Confederate Navy had absolutely no navy, nor did they have the ability to create one. The south did not contain a single plant that could create a marine engine. (Carrison, page #17) The government of the Confederate States got underway in the spring of 1861, totally unprepared from a naval standpoint to uphold the independence it had declared. (Confederate Forces Afloat, page #1) The Confederacy lacked the adequate means to conduct an offensive of defensive war. ( page 1a) They needed ships to defend its long coastline and inland waterways, to carry war to its northern shores, or to conduct the foreign trade, vital to its existence. To this bleak outlook was added but limited hope to acquiring or constructing a navy. Nevertheless, inspired determination and ingenuity evinced particularly by the more than 300 able officers who resigned from the United States Navy to support the southern cause. These men culminated in the rapid appearance of many varied types of forces afloat under the Confederate flag. ( page 2a) The States Navy provided the foundation for the events to follow. The seceding states confiscated small United States ships, such as revenue cutters, coast survey ships, and lighthouse tenders. They also purchased others from northern owners as well as southern owners. They quickly started building additional vessels better suited for warfare. ( page #2a) Also, the states that seceded automatically took with them the naval forces they had already accumulated. As the war went on, the confederacy created a better defense for their major ports, inland waterways, and the souths vast coastline. The better defense included the ironclads and th...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Overcome Stage Fright

How to Overcome Stage Fright Imagine standing at the tribune, a couple of seconds before you actually start delivering your graduation speech. Think of the moment when you stand behind the mic, just before the first line of the song you want to perform for the crowd. How does it feel? Are you full of happy excitement or feel like running away (if only you could do it on those shaky legs)? In case it makes you feel any better – John Lennon used to throw up before his live performances. Youre not alone in the struggle. Its Not About You One of the most common reasons of a stage anxiety is worrying what the audience is going to think about you. Well, heres a fun fact: They dont really care about your personality. Most of the time people are worried only about themselves. You are to engage, educate or entertain your audience. If they are satisfied with what they get, they wont judge the one who delivers it too hard. Thus, concentrate on the material youre going to present instead of focusing on your personality. Practice Practice makes perfect. The rule applies to almost every sphere of our lives, right? Public speaking is not an exception. Training helps your brain to reduce the number of unknown variables it has to deal with when the due date comes. This allows you to focus on your story, entertaining your reader and making the whole thing much more fun. If memorizing a speech is a challenge for you, take a look at our infographics on how to memorize a speech. Send Good Vibes Perception is everything, isnt it? Thats why thinking of your audience as of a group of friendly, interested people, rather than a bunch of guys, ready to destroy you with criticism, will be of a great help. Smile and remember about eye contact. Avoid gazing at people, though: diverting your eyes to look at your notes or fix the appliances makes you look human, which is certainly good. We like the things we can relate to. Thus, looking not-so-perfect at times might even be a good thing. Power Posing Body language can shape our behavior, the way we make decisions and feel about ourselves. Power posing is a great tool to achieve these results. The study shows, that standing in a high-power pose for about 2 minutes may seriously boost your confidence and reduce stress. What are these poses? Think of a Wonder Woman or a Superman signature positions. Fake it till you make it. Or, actually, fake it until you become it. Dont Cram Sounding human and looking natural is crucial for successful delivery and impressing your listeners. Thats why you dont want to learn every single word by heart, when it comes to delivering a speech. You surely are to know what goes after what and have some cards or the outline in front of your eyes. Memorizing every single word will make you sound robotic. If you are having difficulties with writing a speech, consider our speech-writing help. If you are going to sing, act or dance in public – situation is a bit different. Here youll seek for a certain degree of mechanization, where you know all the moves, cues or direction of the melody. Nevertheless, leaving some space for your soul and inspiration will help you and your audience enjoy the event much more. Breathe Breathing in certain patterns may be a very powerful relaxation technique. First, it has a positive impact onto your physical state: blood pressure stabilize your brain gets that desired portion of oxygen the muscles relax All in all, you feel far more calm and confident. Second, you simply focus your attention on an activity, not on your being anxious and stressed out. Profit! No Caffeine Lots of people simply cant function without their favorite brew. In fact, its kind of a ritual, that has to be comforting and energizing. That is certainly true. Another fact here is that caffeine is a strong stimulant: it accelerates your heart rates dehydrates the vocal chord and can even make you sweat more intensively Add the general nervousness and get a cocktail of being overly jumpy, sweaty and squeaky. Try saving your cuppa as a reward for success. In case that just doesnt work for you – stick to your regular amount, and dont add any extra portions of caffeine before the actual event. Stretch Out Do a couple of yoga poses. Choose the level of difficulty that suits you best and focus on maintaining that balance, breathing and keeping muscles nice and tight. If youre a fan of yoga already – you know how awesome it is. In case youre not quite into that – give it a shot! You dont have to make yoga your daily routine, but it may work just fine for stressful situations, just like your public performance. Now, take a breath. Your presentation, speech, play or concert will go great. Especially, with our tips. Shine bright! Youll nail it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fatigue in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients Essay

Fatigue in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients - Essay Example 2006, p. 58) Fatigue is very common among patients with multiple sclerosis and yet is it a symptom that is quite poorly defined. (Flachenacher et al., 2002). This very fact makes evaluation of fatigue as a symptom of multiple sclerosis difficult. And yet, since it is such a common complaint of patients with this condition, its evaluation as part of the disease process cannot be ignored. The paper by Flachenecker and colleagues is an important one dealing with the problem of fatigue in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Of the 151 consecutive patients who entered the study and were given the standardized questionnaires, 94 had the relapsing-remitting type of multiple sclerosis which is our main interest as far as the symptom of fatigue is concerned. One of the most important aspects of this paper in the evaluation of fatigue is the fact that the authors used 4 different fatigue scales namely, Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), MS-specific FSS, Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). To evaluate a symptom as vague and non-specific as fatigue, it was important that the authors relied not just on one fatigue scale but on four different fatigue scales in order to reduce the incidence of errors. In order for a patient to be included in the â€Å"MS-related fatigue group† (MS-F) they had to have stated in the questionnaire that fatigue: one of their three most disabling symptoms; 2. occurs daily or on most days of the week; and 3. limits their activities at home or at work. Patients who fulfilled none of these criteria were labeled MS non-fatigue group (MS-NF); those who had only one or two of the criteria were labeled â€Å"borderline† (Flachenecker et al., 2002 p. 524). This was another way of ensuring that only those who were truly fatigued were included in the group of MS patients with fatigue. It is also significant that Flachenecker, et al. (2002) used a depression screen as part of the evaluation of fatigue in MS.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

California Election Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

California Election Analysis - Research Paper Example The databases of California were consistently and constantly updated throughout the entire election cycle. It not only settled on the next United State’s president, but it also resulted in a supermajority for California’s state Democrats, thanks to Obama emerging victorious. New rules of elections and districts that were redrawn opened the likelihood of a Democrats supermajority in California, in a state that, even before elections, had Democratic majorities and a Democratic governor in both state legislatures. A good number people had and still have an intuitive reaction to a single party taking control of everything. Bob Huff, the Minority Leader of the state Senate said that a supermajority would not be a good thing. The media coverage was a bit biased to one candidate. Mitt Romney’s media overage was particularly negative in the final election days. A final gush of positive media coverage drove President Obama in the final two weeks of the race to the preside ncy, whereas Mitt Romney’s coverage remained, not only negative, but also narrowed down in volume. This was probably for the reason that news outlets transferred their attention to the recent Superstorm Sandy, in accordance with a new study. The Pew Research Center's Excellence in Journalism Project, which is based in Washington,  established that the positive coverage on Obama, which was estimated at 29%, outnumbered his negative coverage, which was estimated at 19%, by 10 points in the final week before voting. On the 6th of November, a survey of 59 news channels established that Romney got significantly more negative opinion and coverage, both in the period dating back to the nominating conferences, and at the conclusion of the campaign, commencing in late August. I feel like final surge of Obama’s positive press decidedly connected to his immense showing in most polls. There were a lot of amplified positive coverage and impressions of the President Obama that sta rted with surveys that trended in his direction. These conclusions were arrived at by measuring statements value in radio stores, television, Internet and newspaper ( When it comes to ads, the impact on preferences of vote looked harsh and gloomy for Mitt Romney. Negative ads had a greater impact on Mitt Romney, than it had on president Obama. President Obama’s ads drove down Romney’s support and drove up support for the president. It, however, did not move swing voters. Many were marginal voters who did not even turn up on day of Election. On the front of â€Å"likely voter†,  Romney was consistently winning the war of ads. Both the Obama and Romney  ads augmented enthusiasm  among  possible  Romney  voters,  but  not for those of Obama.   Romney’s ads had  impacts on marginal,  decisive  voters, and this raised the probability of voters who  said  they had a preference on him turning out  to vote. Obamaâ₠¬â„¢s campaign had run its ads over 68,000 times, with just about 80% of them attacking Romney. They were loose with facts and at the same time negative. An example is this ad by Obama, when he said that Romney had never stood up to China. Obama claimed that all Romney had ever done was to send them American’s jobs. This was opposed by many as not being true. Many argued that Romney’s previous Bain Capital Company may have invested in firms with businesses and operations in China. Most importantly, there was no

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Direct discrimination Essay Example for Free

Direct discrimination Essay Direct discrimination is intended by an individual usually due to a person’s background, culture, personality, race, disability, gender, religion, belief, sexual orientation, age. Indirect discrimination refers to applying a provision, criterion or practice which disadvantages people of a particular group. Direct discrimination may occur in a care home by a service provider only supporting a female, only support someone of their own culture and refuse to give personal care to males or not include everyone in a group activity. Indirect discrimination may occur in a way whereby a service provider is thinking everyone drinks tea so only offer tea, by giving a service user a shower daily but not offering a bath or see if they would prefer just a wash or not making reasonable adjustment which can exclude individuals with disabilities. By supporting an individual’s diversity by recognising their differences and valuing them and their individuality, by supporting individuals equality, treating a person equally, by including them in all group activities and encouraging individuals to express their views and opinions, by not treating anyone differently due to their background, ethnicity, culture, race, age, sexual orientation, personality, disability, religion, beliefs and gender and overall promoting good practice and prevent/stop the likelihood of abuse. When we work in an inclusive way we are openly communicating with people by, getting to know what their preferences are and building trust. When a person has someone they trust, they become less of a victim, less likely to be discriminated against. Discrimination can be challenged in adult social care settings by providing the appropriate training to make everyone aware of how to prevent and control discrimination.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Racism: Are We Better Off Colour Blind? :: essays papers

Racism: Are We Better Off Colour Blind? My background is Italian, so that makes me Italian-Canadian. The only time I have personally experienced racism was when I was called a "wop." This is how it felt: hurtful, degrading, humiliating. This is what it made me feel like as a person: worthless, inferior, powerless. Is this what goes on in the world? Is it truly fair? That is what my experience made me wonder. People who taunt others, in my opinion, are actually insecure about themselves. It might be because they are uncomfortable with who they are as a person, or how they look, but whatever the reason is, they only put down others to build themselves up. These kind of people are often very brave in front of others, but lose much of their power when on their own. This goes to show, racism isn't just caused by just one person, but many people who have had ideas put into their heads. These leaders would be powerless without their followers. A famous example of this is Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a German dictator and soldier who vocalized his extreme racist veiws to the Mien Kampf. He was appointed chancellor in 1933, and clearly expressed his opinions, which led to the policy of the extermination of Jews. He was a great leader, and once even recieved a bravery award in WWI. Hitler started a Great massacre, known as The Holocaust, in particular, the complete extermination of European Jews and others by the Nazis in Germany (1933-45). Jews, as well as others considered racially inferior by the Nazis, were killed in concentration camps. Concentration camps were detention centres for people considered racially or socially undesirable and political opponants.What went on in these camps was truely horrible: gruesome medical experiments, slave labour, discusting and brutal torture methods. Total Jewish deaths estimated at more than 6 million. It is disturbing to even think that an evil character such as Hitler was admired and respected by so many people, when his veiws were so obviously distorted and cruel. What could drive someone to do something as terrible as that is beyond me. But, sadly, even though Holocaust is over, many people still believe Jews are dirty and don't deserve to live. And the discrimanation doesn't end with Jewish people, people also discriminate against: African Americans, Asians, Caucasions, Hispanics, and Oriental people. Organizations such as the KKK or the Black Panthers are strictly black against white. They kill each other and promote extreme hate towards

Monday, November 11, 2019

Homlessness in the US

In the two studies I reviewed, both pertained to school aged homeless children. Both studies were conducted to determine the need for a better education for these children. The first study I reviewed was called, Sheltered homeless children: Their eligibility and unmet need for special education evaluations. This study focused on the exploration of unmet need of special education evaluations for homeless children in Los Angeles, California. The second of my studies was called, Cognitive and academic functioning of homeless children compared to housed children. The analyzation focused on the effects of being homeless to a child's cognitive and academic functioning. Both of the above studies brought about the same basic issue of homeless children having the right to a better education. In both studies it was determined that homeless children, when tested, perform rather poorly in the area of academics. In the first study (Sheltered Homeless Children: Their Eligibility and Unmet Need for Special Education evaluations) homeless shelters were selected randomly and from these families were selected that consisted of one child aged 6 to 12 years. Testing was performed in a quiet place. There were 118 parents and 169 children involved in the study. The parents were asked questions pertaining to the how and why of homelessness. The homeless children were tested with questions from the RAND Course of Homelessness Study 3. 9, a Behavior Checklist, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the National Health Service, and the Woodcock-Johnson Language Proficiency Battery Assessment Test. The Peabody Vocabulary picture test was also used in the second study. In the second study (Cognitive and Academic Functioning of Homeless Children compared with Housed Children) the homeless children and their mothers selected for the study were from the Bronx in NY. There were 102 homeless children in the study. They were between the ages of 6-11, around the same age group as the first study; they were sought out of public schools. The housed children were selected randomly for the study. The mothers were asked how and why they became homeless and how long they had been homeless, and if they had a job, as in the study before. The children were all tested with numerous tests pertaining to their academic and cognitive functioning skills. The Raven's Test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the Wide-range Achievement Test, a Child Depression Inventory test, and A maternal Anxiety test were issued to the children. Both of the studies focused on the same issue, that homeless children were not being assessed for their need of assistance with their academics. The first study did not involve children who were not homeless but the second study used them as a control. The second study also focused more on the effects of being homeless leading to anxiety and depression. Both of the studies had determined that homeless children have poorer scores compared to those that are non-homeless, and that they are more developmentally delayed. Both the studies also found that they have a higher rate of learning disabilities. There is also a higher need to assess children who might be eligible for special education services. The findings of the first study imply that there is a high level of unmet need for special education evaluations for homeless children. There should be more procedures conducted to determine one's eligibility for special education services for the homeless. Also, interventions should be provided for school-aged homeless children from special education professionals, general health care providers, and housing services. The second study suggests that there needs to be more of an effort to educate those that are homeless by academic professors. There needs to be more assessment of special education for these children. The study also touched on the fact that these children are often depressed and have a high rate of anxiety, this should be assessed through counseling services. In both of the studies, society needs to take an interest in helping get these children off the streets in the first place. The main purpose for both of the studies was to examine the impact homelessness has on a child's academic functional level. In both of the studies it was found that homeless children between the ages of 6-12 scored lower on achievement tests. They also had a higher level of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, they also had an increased rate of learning disabilities and the need for special education evaluations. Society needs to put more of an effort in getting these children off the streets and into a proper home so they can grow more academically and to develop at a typical rate. Academic professionals need to assess their need of assistance with their work and assess a higher need of special education evaluations. Professionals need to understand that these children have a harder time concentrating on their academic material because they are faced with issues like where they are going to sleep tonight instead of 4+3.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Economics Effects of Monopoly.Docx Uploaded Successfully

Economics effects of monopoly. In pure monopoly, a monopolist will charge a higher price compared to the firms in purely competitive industry. They also sell a smaller level of output than the firms that involve in pure competition. Compared to pure competition, monopoly is inefficient in both productive and allocative efficiency. In purely competitive industry, the entry and exit of the firms will ensure that the P = MC + min. ATC. However, for pure monopoly industry there is no entry and exit of firms as it is conquer by only one party.The marginal revenue (MR) curve lies below the demand and the produces output where MR = MC, so, the price exceeds the marginal costs (MC) and also exceeds the lowest average total cost (ATC). Pure Competition Pure Monopoly Price Price Quantity Quantity Pc D D Qc S = MC Pc MC Qc MR Qm Pm P = MC = min. ATC MR = MC Figure [ 1 ]: Comparison of pure competition and pure monopoly. Looking at the chosen firm which is TNB, as In pure monopoly, there is an e fficiency loss which is called dead weight loss (also known as excess burden and allocative efficiency).This situation occurs because the sum of consumer surplus + producer surplus is less than the maximum. In other words, this situation occurs either because of the people who have more marginal benefit than marginal cost are not buying the product, or those who have more marginal cost than marginal benefit are buying the product. Income transfer Monopoly wills increases income inequality because the profits are not equally distributed. Monopoly will cause the transfer of income from consumers to the stockholders who own monopoly.This can be seen through levy of â€Å"private tax† on consumers. The owners will gain benefit at the expense of consumers. Cost complications In pure monopoly, the costs may vary because of four factors: 1. Economies of scale According to www. bized. co. uk , economies of scale is the advantages of large scale production that result in lower unit (a verage) costs (cost per unit). Some firms reach large economies of scale because of specialized input, the spreading of product developing costs, simultaneous consumption and network effects.Simultaneous consumption is the ability of product to satisfy a big numbers of consumers at the same time and network effects are increase of value of product to each consumer. 2. X-Inefficiency X-Ineffiency is when the firms produce level of output that is higher than the lowest ATC. X-Inefficiency occurs due to poor management decisions, principal agent problem, poor worker motivation or ineffective supervision as the results of reliance on â€Å"rules of thumb† instead of real costs or revenue decision. Figure [ 2 ]: X-Inefficiency 3. Rent seeking expenditures

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom “Confronting Intimate Partner Violence, A Global Health Care Priority” essay

buy custom â€Å"Confronting Intimate Partner Violence, A Global Health Care Priority† essay The article under consideration is headlined Confronting Intimate Partner Violence, A Global Health Care Priority; it was written by K.S. Chibber and S. Krishnan and has been published in May, 2011. The presented article deals with one of the main aspects of intimate partner violence, mainly the cures and approaches which are nowadays used in order to combat diverse consequences of it as well as prevent IPV. The overall aim of the article is to address the core issues related to the confronting techniques aimed at prevention of IPV as well as curing of its victims. It should be noted that the paper addresses techniques and methods which are used in both developed and developing countries as the authors ascertain that there are huge differences in organizing IPV-combating facilities and staff in industrial world and the world of the developing countries. The authors state that the use of antenatal care and other related care techniques has increased for one third in Asia and 14% in Latin America during 1991-2000; nowadays, these numbers tend to expand which of course makes this problem urgent. The article also asserts that non-abused pregnant women are less likely to become victims of murders, assaults, or other attempted crimes than those pregnant women who have already experienced violence. Therefore, the authors consider that this factor should be among the most important ones which are to be considered more attentively by those who draft and adopt IPV prevention poicies and programs. Moreover, the authors claim that the programs aimed at prevention of IPV should become an integral part of the reproductive health policies. The article goes on with the enumeration of the consequences of IVP. They are all different and largely depend upon the type of violence inflicted on a victim. Among the others are physical disabilities, unwanted or unplanned pregnancies, chronic pain, HIV infections, maternal mortality, sexually transmitted illnesses, etc. At the same time, the authors stress that the costs needed for health care of victims of IPV are huge, which once more proves that this problem is urgent and should be addressed immediately and properly. It has been reported that health care costs needed for women who have experienced violence range from 42% to 31% more than needed for those who have not been victims of IPV. It should also be noted that the statistics of the victims of IPV differs in developing and developed countries. For example, according to reports, almost 90% of women have become victims of IPV during the first five years of marriage in the developing countries. The situation is a little different in the developed states where women in their mid or late adolescence usually become victims of IPV. Considering the approaches aimed at combating outcomes of the IPV, the authors assert that despite the fact that individual providers care is nowadays severely reformed, it has been reported to be rather effective. At the same timee, the authors point out three different models for organizing facilities aimed at providing help to victims of IPV. Therefore, there are one-stop centers where all the necessary services are provided, a department within the primary care centers, and one center with multiple functions which refers to other centers with specific services. Finally, the authors point that in general there are three main challenges for IPV policy adopters. First of all, there is a necessity to expend prevention interventions of IPV beyond traditionally used techniques. Secondly, decisions regarding IPV should be strictly evidence-based. Thirdly, the authors ascertain that IPV prevention policies should include men, families, and communities and be of comprehensive character. In my opinion, this article is of great use for students, lecturers, as well as those who are interested in IPV issues. I find it to be rather comprehensive as it provides an in-depth analysis of different problematic issues surrounding IPV such as its prevention and combating. Moreover, it is rather interesting to discover statistics regarding IPV in both developing and developed countries as it differs a lot. In addition, the authors thoroughly cover the aspects regarding the main approaches used for establishment of health care centers for victims of IPV. However, since the authors have not paid much attention to the causes of IPV, I assume that the future studies should be dedicated to this issue as it is also should be considered while adopting IPV prevention programs. Buy custom â€Å"Confronting Intimate Partner Violence, A Global Health Care Priority† essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Causes of stress and its solution

The circumstances that cause stress are called stressors. Stressors vary in severity and duration .For example the responsibility of caring for a sick parent may be an ongoing source of major stress , whereas getting stuck in a traffic jam mat cause mild short term stress .Some events such as death of a loved one are stressful for everyone .But in other situations ,individuals may respond differently to the same event. Stressors can be classified into 3 general categories: 1)catastrophic stress 2)Major life changes 3)Daily hassles In addition simply thinking about unpleasant past events or anticipating unpleasant future events can cause stress for many people. 1)Catastrophe: Is a sudden , often, life threatening calamity or disaster that pushes people to do outer limits of their coping capability example earthquakes ,tornadoes ,fires ,floods and hurricanes as well as wars ,torture ,automobile accidents , violent physical attacks and sexual assaults . They often continue to affect the individuals mental health long after the event has taken place. 2)Major life changes: The most stressful events for adults involve major life changes such as death of a spouse ,family member ,divorce , imprisonment ,loosing ones job and major personal disability or illness . The most stressful events for adolescents are death ,imprisonment or divorce of parents ,personal disability or illness .Getting married is a positive experience but planning the wedding ,deciding whom to invite ,and dealing with family  members may be stressful for the couples. 3)Daily hassles: Much of the stress in our lives results from having to deal with daily hassles pertaining to our jobs ,personal relationships and everyday living circumstance .Many people experience the same hassles everyday example living in a noisy neighbourhood ,commuting with heavy traffic ,disliking ones fellow workers ,worrying about money , waiting in a long line and misplacing or losing things .When taken individually , this hassles may feel like minor irritants , but cumulatively , they can cause significant stress . Studies have found that one’s exposure to daily hassles is actually more predictive of illness than is exposure to major life events . SOLUTIONS TO STRESS 1)coping with stress: Coping with stress means using thoughts and actions to deal with stressful situations and lower our stress levels. People who cope well with stress tend to believe that the can personally influence what happens to them .The usually make more positive statements about themselves ,resist frustration ,remain optimistic and persevere even under extremely adverse circumstances. People who cope poorly with stress tend to have somewhat opposite personality characteristic such as low self esteem and a pessimistic outlook on life. Coping strategies: Psychologists distinguish 2 broad types of coping strategies: a)Problem focused coping b)Emotional focused coping The goal of both strategies is to control ones stress level. In problem focused coping people try to short circuit negative emotions by taking some actions to modify ,minimize or avoid the threatening situation . In emotional focused coping people try to directly moderate or eliminate unpleasant situations. Problem focused coping is the most effective coping strategy. 2)Social support: Social support from friends ,family members and others who care for us goes a long way in helping us to get by in times of trouble. Social support system provides us with emotional sustenance ,tangible resource ,aid and information when we are in need .People with social support feel cared about and valued by others and feel a sense of belonging to a larger social network. 3)Bio feedback: Bio feedback is a technique by which people learn voluntary control of stress related physiological response such as skin temperature ,muscle tension ,blood pressure and heart rate .Normally people cannot control these responses voluntarily .Individuals learn to be sensitive to subtle changes inside their body that affect the response system being measured. 4)Relaxation: There are 2 types of relaxation A)Progressive muscular relaxation B)Relaxation We should learn to relax our body. 5)Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise such as running , walking ,biking and skiing can help keep stress level down because the increase the endurance of the heart and lungs ,an aerobically fit individual will have a lower heart rate at rest and lower blood pressure ,less reactivity to stressors and quicker recovery from stressors.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

What The Course Offers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What The Course Offers - Essay Example A student is first enrolled in kindergarten, the primary, secondary and finally university. In all the stages of education, a student is taught different things from various subjects. The course shows the importance of these learning activities to the growth of the whole person. As the child’s brain develops, the involvedness of learning activities also increases. It is necessary for students to undergo the various stages of learning for them to identify the truth. The university education is crucial for students as it helps them know the truth by conducting research. The course helps students to recognize the importance of research as far as the truth is concerned; it contributes to unraveling the secret behind some issues. The course sensitizes the importance of continuous learning as it helps students know the things they could not have learned. In conclusion, the course opens the mind of learners concerning the significance of learning. Learning is a continuous process, and it assists students in mental, psychological and physical development. The course offers much information regarding how to learn.